Chapter 9

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Kronon stood in disbelief at the people in front of him. Not only did he find Zoey but his mom.

"Kronon?" She spoke softly and pulled off her mask-helmet that she wore to prevent being found. "Is it really you?" She asked again and stood.

Zoey stood as well but moved aside as Rey, the scavenger who held Zoey as she cried in her arms, ran for Kronon. They collided together and tears streamed down their faces.

"Where have you been?" Rey said through sobs as Kronon pulled away. "Commander Silver helped me escape to find you, I searched for almost a year before finding the Grey Republic. We came here to get General Kenobi then, I felt your presence." Kronon cryed as smiles played on their faces.

Rey placed a soft kiss on his forehead. "I'm so glad I found you." She said before hearing footsteps near close to them.

Carina and Violet peared over and down the hill finding Zoey and Kronon. "Zoey!" Carina said as she slid down the hill and towards them. Carina engulfed Zoey in a hug, picking her off her feet, then looked to the stranger.

"Who are you?" Carina asked as she looked at Rey, with a confused expression. "This is Rey Skywalker, my mom. Mom, this is General Carina Kenobi." Kronon said gesturing to each one of them.

"Nice to meet you Mis. Skywalker." Carina said holding out a hand for Rey to shake, which she gladly did.

"C'mon, you have to meet the rest of the group." Carina said waving for the top of the hill and over. Rey hesitated for a moment before Kronon gave her a reassuring look.

"I have to grab some things, then we can go." Rey smiled and walked to her cabin. She stayed in there for about 10 minutes then came out with a brown drawstring bag, much like the one Violet used to transport her small BB unit, a metal staff on her shoulder, a lightsaber on her side and something small in her hand which she placed in the bag.

"Ready." She said and they climbed the hill and headed to the Falcon. Violet brought her com link that rested on her wrist and spoke "Silver, you, Syala, and Casedrión need to come back, we found her." She heard a sign of relief followed by, "Yes General." and the com ended.

When they rounded the corner and saw the Falcon tears fell from Rey's face. Kronon grabbed her hand and squeezed it tight. "I haven't seen the Falcon in so long." Rey spoke through cracks in her voice with a thick British accent.

Out of the Falcon came Poe and Finn. They spotted Rey and they started running for each other. Rey tripped a little in the run, but met in the middle. Poe and Rey hugged as Finn brought his arms to wrap around their necks and hugged them like he never wanted to let go.

Rey and Poe held hands as Poe rubbed his thumb on hers. They cried, so many tears were shed right there than the amount of rain that had came only a few days earlier.

They drew apart and smiled at each other, hands all linked as Zoey and Kronon came up and joined the circle, followed by Carina and Violet.

"We are finally back." Rey spoke and smiles lit across the circle.

Syala, Silver, and Casedrión walked through town back to the Falcon. "Ya know I've had this for such a long time, so I could escape this planet." Casedrión said holding up a First Order Captain's medallion in front of Silver's face as Syala leads them to the Falcon.

"How did you get this?" Silver said looking at the small medallion and back at Casedrión.

Before he could say anything, 5 tie fighters came screaming by as people screamed in fear around them.

The group of three start running. They come up to the Falcon, as it lays only 20 yards ahead. Syala sprints for the ship as the Falcon powersed up. "Here, take this. I'll keep them waiting." Casedrión said and hands Silver the medallion. "It will help you get through the First Order with ease." He finished and pulled away from her.

"What about you!?" Silver yells over the ties and Casedrión smiles. "Ill be here when the fight is over." He says and walks back. "No, Cas, I just got you back, I'm not losing you again." Silver says yanking him back. "Silv, just go. I'll see you after the war." Casedrión says and smiles through his mask.

"Can I kiss you?" Silver asks as a smile plays on her face. "Go." Casedrión says, holding back a laugh and they part.

Silver runs for the Falcon and jumps on. "I'm here, go go go!!" She yells and Poe hits the hyperdrive.

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