Chapter 18

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Rey steered the boat over the debris as swiftly as possible as the pear became clear. People were stuck on a coaster at the top. Rey and Zoey drifted in the water close to the coaster and started to leave the boat. "Hang on! We are on our way up!" Rey yelled as they started to climb the contraption to the top.

People screamed as the wave pulled out and back into the ocean, making the frame shake. Rey climbed into a cart and assisted the occupants as Zoey kept climbing to the second cart. "Are you all are going to be ok, is anyone hurt?" Rey asked as she surveyed the people for injuries, "No." One said as Rey breathed a sigh of relief. 

The Cargo ship came close and started to hover next to Rey and the cart. Ben pulled the doors open as he shouted for Rey, making her turn to him and smile. "Ok,I'm going to hand each of you over to Ben, he will get you back inland safely." Rey said gesturing to Ben then helping each one of the people into the huge ship.

While Rey and Ben worked on one cart, Zoey worked on trying to reach the other. She had finally reached the cart, and after climbing in, the frame shook more. "Thank the maker you are here. When the wave came in, he fell onto the glass." The blue girl said as she held the green man in her arms. Zoey bent down to view him better, "Can you feel anything?" Zoey asked as she checked his vitals, something Silver had taught her while training. "No, I can't move my arms or head." He said as he started to try and lift his head. "No no, don't move. You could have bruised your spinal column. You're lucky you didn't break C4 or up." Zoey said as she looked for something to set the spine. "What does that mean?" The man asked, panicked as zoey found some sticks then bandages from her supply bag, "If you break C4 you won't breathe, but it looks like your neck is just bruised." Zoey said as she set his neck in an upright position.

A ship flew close and started to hover next to the cart. "Well hello lil' rebel, it looks like Master Silver has taught you well." Syala said as she walked onto the cart next to Zoey, looking at the man in his precarious situation, "Why thank you, Syala, it doesn't match your skills with Master Grey but it will do." Zoey said as she wrapped his head to stop bleeding, "You're Jedi?" The woman asked, confused "No ma'am, we are a part of Project Grey. I'm training to be a Grey Jedi Knight, and Zoey is training to be the same." Syala said as she stood and walked to her ship, "Zoey, I'm going to get her out of here. Crato and Ben will circle around for him and you after they are finished with the last cart." Syala said as she escorted the girl to the ship and took off.

Of course, the big ship rounded the corner and the doors slid open, revealing Jake instead of Ben or Crato. He jumped onto the cart with a stretcher and laid it on the floor, "Well, hello Milady, seems you've been busy." Jake said with a smile as he unclipped the backboard and prepared it for the man, "As to you, Mr. Solo. This man has a bruised Neck, we need to get him to Master Silver to get his neck checked out." Zoey said as she prepared to lift the man onto the stretcher. "Ok on 3. 1...2...3!" Jake said as they lifted the man onto the backboard and strapped him in. "Ok, now the fun part." Zoey said, rolling her eyes as she and Jake lifted the yellow backboard and passed it to Rey and Ben who now stood at the doorway to the ship.

The man slid in with ease as Jake hoped in next. The frame shook more as Zoey fell back as the Frame started to shrink into the water, fast. "Jake!" She yelled as she fell with the cart to the water. Almost Meir inches from the water, Zoey levitated above it. On the boat stood Syala and Silver, concentrating hard on holding Zoey. They brought her to the boat and laid her down softly, releasing a breath in relief. 

"Why are you here, I thought you were at the trauma bay?" Zoey asked as she breathed a sigh and sat on the ground. Silver waved to the ship above then spoke in her comlink, "Papa Dragon, we have her. Bring him to the medical bay." Then she looked at Zoey, "I came after Syala dropped off the girl. Group 1 hasn't finished the sweep of the last quadrant so we are heading that way." Silver said as she turned the boat around and headed for the hills, "And the kid with CP?" Zoey asked, confused as to why everyone needed to leave their posts and sweep the last section, "Anakin and Ahsoka are taking care of him." Syala said as they pulled up onto shore and headed for the temples. “Got it.I should probably load my squadron up to regroup.” Zoey said turning on her comlink “Fleet A2 regroup and get ready to go,”

When they pulled up onto the mountains, most of the fleet had already landed and started searching the area. Zoey, Syala, and Silver climbed out of the boat and pulled it up on shore. They walked to a flat in the hill, meeting almost all of fleet A2, "Hello guys. We are almost done rescuing people from the tsunami. I want you all to split up, staying with at least one partner. After this, we will get back and treat the wounded." Zoey said as she stood proud over them, giving them commands as they nodded and walked away.

Corren and Lyra took the time to head back to the temples. As they walked in, anger started to surge through Corren, "Why. Why do people like Ben and Anakin get away with what they did… They killed so many people." Corren whispered to Lyra as he walked through the rubble and debris. "I don't know… They're just as bad as the separatist and everyone in the war." Lyra said, picking up an old rag doll and holding it in her hands. "They should have paid for killing those people. All they did was bring despair to the people around them." They nodded in agreement and walked farther in as Rey walked in too, looking for survivors.

"What makes you all say that?" Rey said through grit teeth as she walked in with her hands on her hips and sass in her posture, "With all do respect, Master Skywalker, but you're boyfriend is a massive murderer." Lyra started as Corren continued, "He killed most of the people back in the jedi academy!" Rey felt anger rush through her core as she walked forward, "Do you even know what happened!?" She yelled as she came Meir inches from Correns face, "I sure hope I do… Lyra and I survived the killing!" He yelled, looking her square in the eyes.

"Do you even know why he did it!?" She yelled back, fury raging through her as her face grew red with anger, "Yah, he tried to kill my FATHER!" Lyra yelled walking closer to them and only a few inches from Rey, "No! Luke tried killing him! He was fighting Snoke all of his training! He was fighting the dark and Luke didn't have faith in him and almost killed him, in his SLEEP none to less!" Rey yelled, almost touching Corren and Lyra from her closeness. Heat radiated off of her as each word she spoke came with venom. 

Corren shoved her off of him, almost sending her to the ground. She regained balance as she ignited her saber, "Try me Solo, you'll see what I'm really made of!" She yelled, anger placed in her eyes. Corren and Lyra shared a look of fear then ignited their sabers. 

“Woah guys, calm yourselves” Zoey yelled and they deactivated their sabers as she walked closer. “We don't have time for this, we have people to help” She then motioned for Corren, Rey, and Lyra to come with her.

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