Group project

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Bakuhoe, Sebro, Ejibro, Futurewife, Ejibro, Earlyroki


Me: So I was thinking, when are we going to hang out?

Earlyroki: You do realize that it's illegal to go out now? Cause of the virus

Me: do I look like someone who sticks to the law?

Me: do I?

Earlyroki: ...

Ejibro: Please stay at home my bro! Its dangerous!

Me: I want to go back to our dorms

Futurewife: yeah me too

Futurewife: I miss you guys

Pikapika: now Im sad

Pikapika: I want to see (Y/N)

Me: yeah I get how you feel

Me: Im grateful mirrors exist

Me: I wouldn't survive if I couldn't see my angelic face

Earlyroki: I would

Me: wow

Bakuhoe: BAHAHA

Bakuhoe: Im starting to slightly tolerate him

Sebro: WOW

Futurewife: WOOOOW

Me: well look at that, Denki, your boyfriend has gotten daddy's approval

Pikapika: if he's the father, does that mean you're the mother?

Me: yeah that's probably why you ended up so messed up

Me: my cute little failure


Pikapika: beat that, Bakugou

Bakuhoe: how about you shut the fuck up

Ejibro: be nice bro

Ejibro: he's fragile

Earlyroki: (Y/N) are you straight?

Me: no

Me: I swing both ways

Me: Violently, with a bat

Futurewife: well fuck me

Me: Oh 👀

Bakuhoe: we have a group project to finish before tomorrow


Futurewife: A WHAT

Ejibro: Group project?

Sebro: gmrou drjct

Pikapika: gmuroudrjt

Me: murudejr

Earlyroki: murder

Ejibro: I guess that's on our to do list for today

Pikapika: what? Murder?

Ejibro: no, the project

Me: I don't have a to do list

Me: I have a to duel list

Bakuhoe: who's on it

Me: endeavor

Bakuhoe: oh good choice

Bakuhoe: thats my girl

Earlyroki: that's not the point

Earlyroki: what's our plan B for the project

Ejibro: Shinsou has his priorities right

Me: my plan B for everything is to die before it happens

Earlyroki: that's actually

Earlyroki: that's smart

Earlyroki: Im writing that down

Futurewife: what's the project about?

Bakuhoe: good things we've done this week

Me: wow well that's a tough one for you huh Katsuki?

Bakuhoe: shut the FUCK UP

Sebro: I cleaned my grandparents their house and mowed their lawn,,, is that ok?

Futurewife: I babysat for free the entire week to help my neighbor out

Earlyroki: I used my quirk to shut Bakugou up, making the entire world a better place

Bakuhoe: FUCK YOU

Pikapika: I gave my allowance money to a blue haired homeless guy

Me: ....Shigaraki?

Bakuhoe: I helped a random old lady to walk across the street cause she was walking so damn slow

Me: I donated blood

Me: not my own though

Ejibro: ?????????????


Hey so is there another anime you guys would want a crossover with?

Im gonna make a poll next chapter of the options but for now, just name the animes and Ill see which one Ive watched

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