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We just finished our exam so the four of us are walking through the courtyard. It's nice to have some fresh air after being stressed while answering the paper.

I turned to Hermione "I've always heard Hogwarts' end of the year exams were frightful, but I found that rather enjoyable."

"yeah... It was not that bad... It was pretty easy even though I needed to use my brain real hard while answering it" I added and chuckled.

"speak that for yourselves. Are you alright there, Harry" we looked Harry who is grabbing his scar.

"my scar it keep burning" Harry said still grabbing his scar.

"it's happened before"

" not like this"

" perhaps you should see the nurse" Ron suggested.

"but your scar keep hurting after we encounter Voldermort in the forest" I reasoned.

"you're right, Elora. I think it's a warning. It means danger is coming. Uhh!" Harry stopped and looked forward.

"oh. Of course!" he said and started to run.

"what is it"

"don't you think it's a bit odd that what Hagrid wants more than anything is a dragon, and a stranger shows up and just happens to have one?" we approach Hagrid, who is playing his flute.

" I mean, how many people wander around with dragon eggs in their pockets? Why didn't I see it before? Hagrid, who gave you the dragon egg?" Hagrid stops playing.

" What did he look like" Harry asked again.

"I don't know. I never saw his face. He kept his hood up." Hagrid said.

"The stranger, though, you and he must have talked." Harry tried again.

"Well, he wanted to know what sort of creatures I looked after. I told him. I said, "After Fluffy, a dragon's gonna be no problem."

"And did he seem interested in Fluffy?"

"Well, of course he was interested in Fluffy! How often do you come across a three headed dog, even if you're in the trade? But I told him. I said, "The trick with any beast is to know how to calm him. Take Fluffy, for example, just play him a bit of music and he falls straight to sleep." Hagrid accidentally tells us.

We gasped and Hagrid realized that he just told us.

"I shouldn't have told you that!" we run into the castle.

"Wait! Where are yeh going!"


We run into mom's classroom. There was a ghost in the class but we passed and went up to mom's desk.

"we have to see Professor Dumbledore immediately!" Harry said and mom looks at us shocked.

"I'm afraid Professor Dumbledore is not here. He received an urgent owl from the Ministry of Magic and left immediately for London." mom said and look at the four of us.

"what?!" I shouted, making her turned her head to me.

"but this is important!" I said.

"it's about..... The Sorcerer stone" Harry added. Mom face turned shock once he heard it.

"how do you know"

"someone's going to try and steal it" Harry tried to explain.

"I don't know how you three found out about the stone, but I can assure you it is perfectly well-protected. Now would you go back to your dormitories? Quietly." mom said.

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