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It's a beautiful day but it will be more beautiful if your friends don't ignore you. Yes, ignore. Ronald and Hermione ignore Harry just because he was chosen in the Tri Wizard Tournament. I met Harry at breakfast and wondered why he didn't sit with Ron like he usually does. So, he told me that Ronald was being stupid because he's jealous and Hermione is stucked between these two.

"you know... I talked to Sirius last night" Harry said, making my head turn to him.

"really? What did he say?"

"he said that Igor Karkaroff was a death eater and Barty Crouch sent his own son to Azkaban. Maybe one of them put our names in the cup"

I sighed and run my fingers through my hair "why can't we have a normal year?"

I heard him chuckled and lean onto the tree "yeah... Obviously we're not normal"

"I had a one peaceful year at Beauxbatons but when I came to Hogwarts, everything just..... The calmness.. Just poof" I crossed my legs while leaning against the tree.

"amazing! Amazing!"

"Neville! You're doing it again!"

"oh right sorry"

"Magical Water Plants of the Highland Lochs?" Harry picked up a book and observed it closely.

"Moody gave it to me. The day we had tea" Neville suddenly waves to someone behind us so we turned around to see Hermione, Ron and Ginny. Hermione was whispering to Ron and he whispered into her ear back. I rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour.

Hermione walked up to Harry and me so we both stand up "Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid was looking for you two"

"is that right? Well..... What" Hermione walked back to Ron and they keep whsipering to each other.

"Ronald! If you want to tell us anything, just tell us by yourself. Don't use Hermione as an owl!" I yelled and he looked at me, before turning to Hermione again.

Hermione stepped forward "Dean was told by Parvati that.... Please don't ask me to say it again. Hagrid's looking for you two"

"well you can tell Ronald..."

"I'm not an owl!" Hermione yelled and I pursed my lips, unamused by how these two idiots used her as an owl.
We watch as they left and I sigh, rubbing my temples as Harry watch them leave.

Time skip brought to you by bouncing albino ferret

Hearing to the sound of my shoes stepping on the branches and dead leaves, I followed Harry and Hagrid, as he said that he wanted to show us something. Hagrid also told Harry to bring his invisibility cloak, I don't know why but I'm sure there's a good reason.

The forest is dark since its night time now but Hagrid brought a lantern so we can see the way to anywhere Hagrid's taking us to. I hugged myself with my hands in the pockets.

I also noticed a flower on Hagrid's coat and his hair is combed to back neatly and tidily. My eyes wandering around carelessly, trying to find a sign about our whereabouts. There's a lot of bushes and trees for sure.

"did you bring your father's cloak like I asked you?"

"yeah I brought the cloak. Hagrid, where are we going?"

"you'll see soon enough. Pay attention! This is important"

"what's with the flower? Hagrid, you combed your hair?" Harry said, looking at Hagrid with his face scrunched in confusion.

"as a matter of fact I have. You might like to try the same thing now and again"

We heard animal noises and we stopped in our tracks. Is Hagrid bringing us to see a animal or something? Followed by Madame Maxime's voice, calling out for Hagrid.

"Hagrid?" her loud melodic voice could be heard, as it its near us.

"oh the cloak! Put the cloak on!" Hagrid yell-whisper at us before walking ahead towards Madame Maxime. Harry opened the cloak and we both hide under it.

We both follow after Hagrid slowlu, trying to not make noises "bonsoir Olympe"

"oh Hagrid. I thought you weren't coming, I thought perhaps... You had... Forgotten me"

"couldn't forget you Olympe" oh look, they both are in love! How cute! I ship this two! Apparently, I'm the only one who found this to be cute because Harry found this revolting since he almost threw up.

"what is it you want to show me? When we spoke earlier, you sound so exhilirated"

"you'll be glad you came. Trust me" Hagrid said, walking with Madame Maxime as we both followed the half giant man slowly under the cloak towards some bushes.

When we peek a little, dragons in cage came into our sight as I gasped quietly. There's a few men trying to tame the wild beast but it's not having it. It breath its fire causing a few of them of to run.

"can we get closer?" Madame Maxime voice snapped me out of my thoughts as I turn to Harry. I made sure she walked away before opening ny mouth.

"first task..... Dragons" I whispered slowly, he nodded his head.

"Dragons? That's the first task?" Harry said first.

"you're joking!" and I added. Hagrid seems shocked at first as he jumped a little before turning to us.

"come on Harry, Elora. They're seriously misunderstood creatures" we approach closer, watching the dragons.

"although, I have to admit that horntail is a nasty piece of work. Poor Ron nearly fainted just seeing him you know?"

"Ron was here?" Harry asked as I get lost, watching the dragons and the burns bushes. The fire from it reflects in my eyes as the corner of my lips twitch upwards a little forming a small smirk.

This is fantastic!

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