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I opened my eyes and quickly get up to get ready for my classes. I took a shower and get ready. I tied my hair in a low ponytail and put on my hat. I also put on my pantyhose so that I doesn't show too much skin.

Then, I just walk out of the dormitory to wait for Stella, Anne and Charlotte

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Then, I just walk out of the dormitory to wait for Stella, Anne and Charlotte. Apparently, Madame Maxime allowed all four of us to go to Hogwarts for the Tri wizards Tournament. Including Gabrielle Delacour, she's only eight.

A year in Beauxbatons pretty much change me, I became more like a woman actually. I love wearing dresses, doing my hair and stuff. In Beauxbatons, I also learn how to control my charms so that's really good. I also learn to build my confidence back after what happened between me and Malfoy. My friends know and keep telling me that I'm better than him, that he's the one who loses. Well, that's build my confidence pretty quickly.

Last year, I heard Harry met his godfather, Sirius Black. Sirius escaped Azkaban after being charge to be the reason of Harry's parents death, killing muggles and his friend, Peter Pettigrew. Shame that I'm not in Hogwarts to go through all of the adventures with them.

For our entrance in Hogwarts, I'm in charge of dancing with Fleur. We practically just twirling around while entering. Every time Tri Wizards Tournament being held, there will be a Yule Ball. The girls already picked out a dress to wear but I haven't.

I already packed my trunks for all of the clothes I need. I was so immersed in the book that I didn't noticed the girls behind me.

"Elora.. Tu es prêt?"
"Elora.. Are you ready?"

"Oui, je suis prêt"
"yes, I'm ready"

"Allons-y alors. Madame Maxime doit nous attendre"
"Let's go then. Madame Maxime must be waiting for us"

"bien alors"
"let's go"

We walked toward the Main Building to be with the others. Once we've reach there, we give a greetings and line up with the others.

" N’oubliez pas de vous comporter à Poudlard. Soyez sur votre meilleur comportement. Est-ce que tu comprends? "
"Remember to behave at Hogwarts. Be on your best behaviour. Do you understand?"

"Oui, nous comprenons Madame Maxime"
"yes, we understand Madame Maxime"

She nodded her head and we enter the carriage that's waiting for us out of the building. It seems small but believe me it's huge inside. We put our baggage away and sit together. Along all of the way to Hogwarts, I can't hold in my excitement as I'll be seeing my friends again.

I didn't tell Hermione because I want to surprise them. I lay my head on Charlotte's shoulder, smiling. As the ride take a long time, I just decided to take a nap.


"Elora... Wake up.. We're here" my eyes opened and I rubbed it a little. Looking at Charlotte, I smiled and nodded my head. We get up and walked in line. Fleur and I wait at the back of the lines and in front of Madame Maxime.

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