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Lexa's fight ended a while ago, but everyone seemed to disappear. Flying here was awesome, but sat at the edge of Polis, Raven wished she had the Rover here. Not only would it mean she didn't have to rely on Kara to get back to Arkadia quickly, but also, she kept spare parts in the Rover for her brace. It needed tightening and from what she had found at the markets in Polis, no one had exactly what she needed.

At the moment it only squeaked, which was annoying but not life threatening. Well... unless she decided to go hunting or had to hide. Hopefully neither of those happened. As it was she needed to start heading back, waiting much longer and she would probably lose sunlight.

Rubbing her leg one last time, Raven stood the view of the forest welcome after The Mountain. After so many months the memory still made her skin crawl, the ground has taken a lot from all of them, but The Mountain was worse. They killed and tortured for something they could have gotten with time if they had given the choice for donation. Not that she would have, that procedure hurt her leg more than she thought possible.

Turning back to the city, Raven only managed a step when the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. Her hands instinctively went for the gun she kept at her side, gripping air. Floating city rules! She had nothing, not even her radio and if they were coming in through here, chances were they did.

Raven wasn't a fool, most Grounders still hated Skaikru with a passion. Head going into overdrive, the mechanic looked for anythiing to protect herself if needed. The ground only held a few sticks that weren't even remotely short.

She was still a few too many steps away from the gap in the wall she had found, she was on her own with no way out. "Please be friendly." The prayer wasn't even loud enough for her own ears, let alone whomever was coming through the forest.

Speaking of the mystery Grounder, just as Raven looked up a woman stumbled through the final layer of trees. Covered in dirt, the only thing Raven could really see of her was the hair, dark crazy tight curls seemed like the only part of her not covered in mud. Her appearance was worrying, but not as much as the fact she fell to her hands and knees.

Trying to determine if the woman was tricking her or genuinely hurt was a struggle but the woman looked like she was going to pass out. "Screw it." Hurrying over, Raven knelt back and did her best to get the woman to look at her. "Hello. Can you understand me?" If she couldn't understand her this was never going to work.

The woman nodded her head, barely but Raven saw it. "Good." Thinking things through, there was only one thing Raven could think to do. "I'm going to get you some help, but we need to walk. Can you do walk on your own?" Please be able to walk on her own.

Raven watched as the woman managed to stand shakily, but she was standing. Her plan went to shit when the woman tried to take a step and fell. Hard way it was then.

Waiting for the woman to stand again, Raven held her hands up. "I'm going to help you walk, is that okay?" For whatever reason, the woman nodded again, not speaking. "Okay. I'm going to put my arm around your waist and you're going to put your arm over my shoulders. Okay?" Again a nod.

Putting the woman on her right side, Raven put one arm around her waist and held the wrist of the one the woman put aroud her shoudlers. It would be a tight fit through the gap, but they could do it. She just needed to stay conscious long enough to reach more people, or Clarke.

"I'm Raven by the way. What can I call you?" If she could reply that would be better than calling her mystery woman. Testing out her plan to help the woman, Raven took a small step, her limp much deeper. This was going to take a while.

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