Chapter eighteen: Did someone say baby?

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"I can't believe after everything that we've went through Kenny dared to file for divorce and now it turns out he doesn't even want to deal with me personally!" Zoey groaned tossing her hands into the air.

His lawyer James laid out the documents in front of her.

"My client-"

"Your client is a son a bitch, a fucking cheater! You know what I'd like to include that, I want half of everything he owns. Especially his building-"

"My client is willing to give you half but his company is off limits." James said.

"And why so?" Zoey raised her eyebrows folding her arms over her chest.

"Because the building was already in motion before you two got married, neither one of us believe that you ever were involved in it-"

"What about all those nights I had to listen to his stupid ideas? That makes me a member-"

"No it does not-"

"Of course it does. I won't sit here and go through this divorce without getting my viewpoints across."

"Ms Zoey, I will have to speak to my client about this. But for now, will you please sign the separation papers so that I can mail them to him, it is only temporary until the divorce papers have been drawn up." James said.

She sucked her teeth and looked down at the separation papers he placed down in front of her. She looked up at him who held the pen out to her, she sighed and took the pen from him.

"Fine." Zoey spat signing her name.

She roughly pushed the papers towards him making them fall down on the ground, James let out a breathe as he picked them up. She grabbed a cigarette and lit it before she began to smoke it.

"Why don't you just give me the address to his place and I'll go deliver the papers to him myself." Zoey said hoping he would cave and give it to her.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. My client gave me instructions that he does not want you going anywhere near him until the hearing." James stated slipping everything into his file which he placed into his briefcase.

He than faced Zoey who watched him intently.

"May I use your restroom?" He asked.

"Yes. Of course, down the hall second door to your right." She smiled sitting up blowing some smoke out.

He nodded getting up and walked off. She watched him disappear and quickly set her cigarette down, she got up and opened his briefcase looking through his files and finally found the perfect one. She grabbed her phone and took a picture of it before she heard the toilet flush, she quickly put everything back and went back to her seat. She grabbed her cigarette and took a pull from it just as he came into view.

"Well. You have a good day ms Zoey." He said.

"Let me walk you out." She smiled getting up.

"I'm fine."

"I'm still calling a doctor." Kenny said.

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