Chapter 1: Meeting in the rain

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It's been raining for the past half an hour now, I looked out my window and sighed a sigh of relief when I saw the monstrous dark grey clouds peacefully floating away and in their place, light grey clouds formed. "I'm going to be late for my lecture" I said out loud to myself. I'm a freshman at The University Of Harmony Lake studying Law.  After what felt like forever, the rain slowly became drizzle. I quickly grabbed my bag and the files that where on my catastrophic desk. I didnt have time to check whether they where the right ones on not. I just had to hope and pray they are. I quickly made my way out of my newly moved into apartment and ran as fast as I could

"Im so late" I muttered under my breath, my focus was on the files in my arms just hoping they wont get wet from the drops of water falling from the light grey sky

I cant wait until I get my car, that's going to make things so much easier I thought to myself. I Looked down on my notes that took me all night to make because my professor decided to make us hand in a one thousand word essay on any one of the greatest historians of our time and it's only our 1st day
I could really use a frappuci-,before I could finish my thought I felt something bump me and my notes fell onto the wet pavement. My heart sunk, "Nooo, my work," I exclaimed "Fuck". I tried gathering the pages up before they became soggy.

"I'm so sorry" said a deep voice,
"Can't you watch where you're going?!" I said in a very annoyed tone and gathering up the last of  what still looked like my essay.
"I'm really sorry" he said "but you're the one who bumped into me"
"Excuse me!?" I exclaimed, just as I was about to go bitch mode on him, i caught a glimpse of his face and it looked so familiar, we locked eyes and didnt talk for a few seconds.

He had shiny, bouncy curly. hair that slightly covered his eyes, He has dark green eyes that seemed to sparkle even in this grey weather, he had a chiseled jawline that looked like it could cut diamonds, his awkwardly bit his pink lips, showing how uncomfortable was with me just analyzing him. 

I quickly realised that I was staring at him with judgemental eyes and snapped out of it

"Umm, S- sorry" I said unknowingly

He started at me a bit longer, analysing my facial features the same way I was his.

"Kenya?" He asked

Him saying my name immediately made me remember who he is

"Liam?" I asked back

"Oh shit, it's really you, wha- what are you doing here?" Liam asked

"I'm going to school" I said chuckling, He laughed and smiled.
"Oh my gosh, I'm getting so late for my lecture" I said remembering that I was supposed to be in class 30 minutes ago

"Oh, I guess I'll see you around then" Liam said

"Yeah sure" I said about to make a run for class

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