Chapter 7: Game night

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What do I say I asked myself.
"Yeah, its not really up to me now is it" I said looking out the window

"Oh, okay. Nothing happened though, its most definitely not what you think happened" Liam said

"Whatever liam"

We arrived at the apartment and we made Tacos. Liam and I both had class the next day so we both went to bed early.

The next 3 weeks passed by pretty quick. Violet came around the apartment a lot and her and Liam would chill. I started hanging with Calvin a lot but not by the house, everytime Violet came over, I would go out with Calvin.
He's so sweet. He's funny and a really good friend. Violet is always talking about Liam and how hot he is. She's really insecure and thinks something might happen between Liam and I one day but I always reassure her that I would never do that. Liam and I are nothing more than friends and that's how we'll always be. Liam and I get Starbucks everyday, before and after school. We watch a movie together every Friday night and order take outs and we tell each other everything.
When I told Liam about Calvin being my friend, he didnt seem so excited about that. I said we should have a game or movie night together. Liam and Vioelt as a couple and Calvin and I as friends. Liam was reluctant at first but finally agreed. He can never resist my puppy eyes.

The door bell rang and Liam went to go open the door, it was Violet.

"Hey babe" violet said as she kissed Liam on the cheek

"Hey" liam said slightly smiling

"Wassup Violet" I said from the kitchen while making microwaved popcorn.

Her and Liam sat together on the couch and cuddled. They looked so cute. I still wonder what would've happend if I told Liam how I really felt that day in the car.

The door bell rang again and I ran to go get it

"Calvin Klein" I yelled as I gave Calvin a hug

"Ken-ya doll" he said as he hugged me back

Calvin and I have stupid nicknames for each other.

"Hey" Calvin said greeting Liam and Violet

"How about you come help me in the kitchen" I said to Calvin.

"Defin-" Calvin said before he was cut off

"I'll help you" Liam said as he sprung up form the couch "They are our guests, have a seat Calvin"

That was weird of Liam. Violet almost fell of the couch from the way he just jumped up. He came and helped me make the snacks and we started playing 'Heads Up'. I was in a team with Calvin and he was with Violet.

"Playing baseball? Playing cricket? Playing tennis?...huh. wha-what. Oh wait...Chopping down a tree?!!!" Calvin shouted

"YES!" I yelled "8 points for team single pringle"

"Whatever" Liam said. Violet got up and started acting out

"Waving? Fanning? Clapping? What the fuck dude? Ummm...Going crazy? What are you doing? Flyi-" Liam gussed

"TIMES UP!" I shouted "You lost 2-8. You guys ready for a movie now?"

"It was landing a plane!, How could you not see that!!" Violet exclaimed

"Chill Vi, it's just a game" Liam said "what movie you got Kenya?"

"I heard this movie is pretty sad, let's watch '5 feet apart' " I said

We started watching the movie and I did not expect to cry so much. Calvin held me tighter whilst I was crying and Liam didn't seem so comfortable about it. He was barely focused on Violet. When the movie eneded and we turned on the lights, my eyes where red and puffy from crying. I wasnt the only one. All of us cried during that movie. We all tried to laugh it off. Violet and Calvin were about to leave. I gave Cavin a hug and he gave me a kiss on the forehead.

Violet went to Liam and tried kissing him but he moved his face and gave her a high five. A fucking high five.
That was the most akward thing I've ever seen....Ever!

"Theres a party tomorrow at Margo's house, yall should pull up"  Calvin said as he got In his car

Liam and I went back in the house and cleaned up.

"You wanna go to that party tomorrow?" Liam asked

"Yeah, why not" I replied

"Okay then, I'm going for a jog in the morning, wanna join me?"

"Eew, exercise, I'm allergic to that" i said sounding repulsed.

I heard Liam head out the next morning. I wanted to wake up, but my body went right back to sleep. I was still asleep when Liam came back and he decided to wake me up.

"WAKE UP!!!" Liam yelled into my face "I made you breakfast. It's more like brunch now."
I immediately jumped out of bed when I heard something about food. I got downstairs before Liam. There was the sweet aroma of bacon in the air and I looked at the table to see a beautiful plate of food waiting for me. I went to the dining table and Liam sat down next to me
"Bon appetite" Liam said as he started eating.
Every single bite of that food tasted amazing.

"I'm going to head out for a few hours, but I'll be back in time for the party" Liam said

"Okay, I'm going to have another concert while you're gone. I'm doing Juice Wrld songs today" I said

"Now I wanna stay and watch" Liam said as he got up and took the plates to the kitchen.

Liam headed out and I had my concert for my loyal stuffed fans. Violet interrupted it by calling me.

"Hello" I said picking up the phone

"Kenya, I need your help!" Violet exclaimed

"Okay...with what?"

"I need to know how to dress tonight so I can impress Liam. You live with him, you should know what kinda clothes turn him on"

"How the fuck should I know. You're his girlfriend"

"Come on Kenya, help me out, I want to impress him. He has been distant lately. I think I'm being a bit to clingy and insecure"

"Just wear what ever you feel comfortable in" I said to her
She was right. Liam has been distant with her. It was pretty obvious with that high five last night.

Sorry for this boring chapter and for any mistakes. Pweasseeee vote
Stay safe during Corona ♡♡♡

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