Chapter 2: Catching Up

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I entered the classroom as quietly as I could and snuck into the back row next to a girl. She had black shoulder length hair, black eyes and some beautiful make-up. I took my focus back to the front of the classroom and there stood my annoyed professor.

"You're late for my class" he said in an annoyed tone

"Umm...yes I am, but I have a good reason for it" I said hoping he would let me explain myself

"I dont care. Just hand in your essay by the end of my lesson and get the notes from someone, dont be late for my class again".

I searched through the wet mess of papers in my arms, hoping and praying that my essay was there. The room felt so quiet, like everyone was staring at me. I finally found my essay and I was so happy to see that it wasnt as damaged as I thought it would be. I put my essay on my desk knowing I'll hand it in at the end of the lesson. The girl with the black hair stared at me and quickly looked away when I noticed.

"Hi, I'm Kenya" I said whispering

"Violet" she said with smile "You kinda suck at first impressions"

"Tell me about it" I said

"It was pretty funny though, not gonna lie,You seem pretty cool"

"Thanks, you seem cool too" I said back to her "Your make-up looks amazing by the way"

"Thanks, i went for a simple look today" she said with a smile on her face

"That's simple?" I asked " It looks like it would take me 4 hours to look like that".

"I could teach you some time" she said
"Oh, thanks" I said.

The lesson ended pretty quick after that and I couldn't wait to get home to change out of these cold, wet clothes. Violet had given me the notes from what I missed out in the lesson earlier. I just need to head to the library before I go home to go pick up some books. I walked out of the classroom and went outside only to be greeted by the same weather as earlier today. Am I really going to have to walk home in this weather? I arrived at the library and as I wad giving my details to be able to collect my assigned text books I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey you" said a familiar voice.

I turned around to see Liam standing behind me.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked and feeling kind of stupid for asking why he was at the library

"I'm about to head back home" Liam said as he slid his hands in his hoodie pocket, slightly raised his chin and licked his lips.

I was mesmerized for a split second but quickly returned to reality. "Me too, even though I have to walk home because my car isnt with me yet" I said

"I could give you a ride home you know, I really dont mind" Liam said.

I wanted to resist but I knew I really needed it.

"Really? Thank you, I'd really appreciate that" I said.

"Here are your books darling" said the librarian
Liam insisted on carrying my books for me to his car.

When we got to his car, I was beyond shocked. At first I didnt believe it was his. A Matt black Mercedes Benz, one of my favourite cars and colours

"This is yours" I asked in an astonished voice

"Yes it is" Liam said "I had to work really hard for it".

"Its beautiful" I said looking at the car in awe.

Liam opened the door for me, I smiled and went in. His car smelt like a clean masculine colonge.
Liam got in the car and I began directing him to my apartment. We caught up on a lot of things on the way there. Liam and I go way back. We both used to live in South Africa and went to school together since grade school. He was one of my best and only friends.
His family moved to a different state when he was in the 11th grade and I was in the 9th grade. We never really spoke after that and lost contact with each other and a lot has changed since then.
Liam never looked this attractive before. Dont get me wrong he was attractive back in highschool but I was never attracted to him.

I was still craving a Frappuccino and asked Liam to stop by Starbucks so I can get one. He pulled up at a shopping centre and we went to get Some beverages.

"Take away?" Liam asked

"I have a lot of unpacking to do so let's get them to go" I replied back.

As I was ordering my drink, I noticed that the waitress was eyeing me. I ignored it and waited for my name to be called out. Liam and I stood talking about school and what we're studying. Liam is studying biomedical engineering so he can work for his father's company.

"That's pretty much my dream, to be the CEO of Smith Pharmaceuticals one day" Liam said with a look of doubt on his face.

He quickly wiped it off and asked me what I want to be.
"My dream is to be an actress, but Hollywood is tough. So law is where my other passion lies" I said

"Great, you'll be my lawyer then" said Liam

"And you'll be my pharmacist" I said

"Frappuccino for Kenya and Mango Smoothie for Liam" a voice called out.

Liam and I walked over to go get our drinks.
"You finally got a girlfriend I see" said the waitress while looking at Liam.

"Shes not my girlfriend Sam" Liam replied

"Oh, I'm sorry" she said, she looked at me and asked "Are you his sister or something, you two don't look alike"

"We're just friends" I said feeling awkward

"Good talk Sam" Liam said as he held my hand and walked us out of the store

As we where driving to my house Liam started laughing, I knew what he was laughing about and joined in with him.

"Well that wasnt akward" I said

"I'm so sorry about that" Liam chuckled

"Its okay"

Liam looked confused while driving like we were going somewhere unfamiliar.

"Are you sure we're going the right way" Liam asked.

I assured him I know where we're going but he didnt seem to trust me.

"Whats your address" he asked

"38 Cypress Cresent" I replied

"You're fucking lying" he said

"What?" I asked in a confused tone

" That's my apartment address" Liam said

I couldnt believe my ears, Liam and I are staying in the same Complex. Its a small piece of land with 10 or less studio apartments in it.

"Oh shit" I said smiling "Guess I'll be seeing a lot of you then"

We pulled up at the security gate and they let us both in. Liam parked infront of my apartment and my landlord was there. I stepped out of the car to go greet her.

"Oh, Kenya, I'm so happy I got you. I made a mistake and I just hope you wont get mad" she said in a shaky voice.

"What's going on" I asked starting to worry

"I double booked your apartment with somone else, I wasnt aware the other owners where moving that person into your apartment" she said twiddling her thual

"Wh-what are you taking about, which person?"I asked Almost panicking.

Liam stepped out of the car to come to check if everything was okay.

The landlord looked up at him and said, "Him, he's your new roommate."

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I really appreciate you reading my book
It's my 1st one and hopefully, with your help, there will be so many more to come
Stay safe during Corona ♡♡♡

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