Chapter 10: Home alone

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I woke up alone on the couch. Liam left a note next to me

I didnt want to wake you up and I have an early meeting with my dad so I had to go, I'll bring back some Starbucks. Dont over think while I'm gone

He wasn't wrong, I was about to overthink this whole situation. Him telling me not to made me want to over think it even more. I thought about how Liam was holding me, how he kissed me. I snapped out of it and went to the kitchen to get some water. I went upstairs, brushed my teeth then took a shower, when I got out. I saw my phone had more than eighty new messages. I looked at them and they where all Violet, they started out as her apologising, then they started getting sad, then angry, then threatening.

-Im sorry for what I did and said kenya
-He broke up with me and I'm sure it's for you
-You seduced him didnt you!!!
-You disgust me
-how could you
-i thought we where friends
-I hate you Kenya
-im going to kill you
-youre going to regret this
-lock your doors tonight bitch!

I felt a shiver go down my spine. Violet was either psychotic or just can't handle a break up. I went to go lock all the doors and all the windows downstairs and I called the guards at the entrance gate to tell them to not let anyone in unless its Liam. I got dressed and went to go study. I got a text from Liam

I might be home a little late tonight, there was a set back. Starbucks will probably be closed by then so I'll bring McDonald's instead. Please wait up, I really want to see you awake when I get back.

Fuck. I thought to myself. Liam was obviously busy and I didnt want to stress him about Violet. I would be fine, theres guards at the gate and I have an alarm system. Violet is just crazy.
I studied for almost the whole day. When I was done it was around 19h45. I switched on the TV and watched cartoons while I was doing my hair. I heard a tap on the window, I decreased the volume on the TV and I heard nothing. I ignored it and went back to what I was doing. I got a notification on my phone, it was a text from Violet. I ignored it. My phone started being flooded with notifications and I checked it.

-Hey Kenya
-Guess what, I slept with Calvin. It's not so nice having somone you love taken from you huh

I laughed because she thought something was going on between me and Calvin and slept with him thinking I would be hurt. She probably thought that I loved him more than just a friend. I continued reading the rest of the texts. It was her going on about how good it was with Calvin. It was kind of disturbing. The texts after those got creepy and I felt tears form in my eyes and fear over take my body.

-So you're just going to ignore my texts

-I hate it when people do that

-I promise I will kill you Kenya

-Why are you lauging at your phone, I can see you're reading my texts, what so funny about them.

-Nice pyjamas you're wearing, trying to look good for my boyfriend I see.

-pink looks good on you. Too bad in a few minutes, it will be covered in red

-Tell me, how do you want to die? Quickly or slowly

-Nevermind, I'll take my time with you bitch

Just as I read the last text, the door handle started shaking. I tried calling the guards but they weren't picking up. I looked up at the window and Violet was standing there with a large, sharp knife in her hand, staring at me through the open blinds.
She smiled and walked off. I quickly realised the back door wasnt locked. How could I be so stupid. By the time I realised it, I heard the door open. I Ran into my room and hid in the closet. I didn't lock the door because if I did, she would know I was in there. I texted Liam but he was offline. I called 911 but they couldn't make out what I was saying because I was whispering. Luckily the lady realised what was happening and told me the cops are on their way. I kept sending Liam texts. I sent Calvin some too. I was so scared. I wanted to cry so bad. My heart was beating out of my chest and I felt my throat burning.

I heard Violet make her way up the stairs saying my name.
"Kenya. Come out, come out wherever you are, I just want to talk." she said in a sing-song voice

I covered my mouth and nose with my hand and tried to stay as quiet as possible. I was shaking. I knew if the cops dont get here in time, she'll find me. I heard her walking closer and closer to my room. She stopped at my door and said my name.

"Kenya,I know you're in here. Just come out" she said as she walked towards my bed. I could see her through a slit in the closet door.
My heart started beating faster when I saw her walk towards the closet. I prepared my self for what I was about to do. As she opened the door, i kicked her hard by her chest and ran out of the room. I quickly ran to the kitchen to grab a knife  and tried using the door to leave but it was locked and I couldnt find the key. I panicked. Violet stood by the stairs and slowly walked down.

"You know what your problem is Kenya. One thing I hate about you. You're pretty and and you dont know it and that makes guys go crazy." she said

"Violet, please calm down. You've got it wrong, theres nothing between Liam and I. He didnt break up with me for you" I said trying to calm her down

"Shut the fuck up. Dont lie to me, I know he did. He has always cared about you more than me. Once I kill you, he will love me again" she said as she walked towards me

"I'm in love with Calvin. I don't care about Liam. You're the one who slept with someone I love, I never touched Liam. I lied

"I wanted you to feel the pain of having someone take your partner away from you.

She jumped on me and my knife fell out of my hands. I held her hands back trying to push the knife away from my face. I pushed her to the side and as I was about to run away. She penetrated the knife into my leg. The pain was excruciating. I screamed for help as loud as I could. I tried standing up but the pain in my leg wouldnt allow me. Violet pulled the knife out and the pain became even worse.

"Violet please dont do this" I pleaded with her, tears running down my cheeks

"You deserve it Kenya. I really thought you'd be the one friendship I had that wouldn't result in me having to kill you" she said angrily

She took the knife and just as she was about to stab my chest, I kicked her away and she just managed cut my arm.
The knife fell out of her hand and slid across the room. She got ontop of me and started strangling me. I pushed my fingers into her eye sockets. She jumped off me and started rubbing her eyes. I quickly went to the couch, took the key and unlocked the door. Just as I was about to call for help, she covered my mouth and pulled me back into the house.

"Why are you making this so difficult Kenya, you  made me use this" she said as she pulled out a gun.

"Viole-" I tried saying

She cocked the gun and pointed it towards my head
"Go to hell" she said

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