Chapter 6: Making out with Liam

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I went to the library and sat down to go over yesterdays notes. I was the only one in there with the librarian. It was quiet and relaxing, I could focus. I set an hour timer so I wont be late for class. I put my airpods in, played some 'Tobi Lou' and started working. I was so focused on my work I didn't notice anyone was sitting by me. I looked up and saw an attractive guy sitting across me. My God!! He is beautiful.

He had luminous chesnut brown eyes that glared into mine. His long wavy hair slightly brushed against his smooth milky skin. He brushed his hair away from his face by running his hand through his hair.

"Hey, I'm Calvin" he said as he reached his hand out for a handshake

"Kenya" I said.

"I havent seen you around here, you new?" He asked

"Yeah I am"

"Oh, welcome to Harmony Lake. You dont belong to any sororities right?"

"Nah" I replied

"Good" he cuckled "What are you studying"

"Law. What about you"

"Civil engineering"

Calvin and I sat In the library getting to know each other.
"So you're from Africa?!" Calvin asked excitedly

"I've always wanted to go there. What's it like?"

We went spent all the time talking about Africa.
My hour ended and I had to head to class.

"See you around Kenya" Calvin said

I went to class and Sat next to Violet and we got assigned to work together for an assignment.
"Can I come to your apartment, my roommate is disgusting and my dorm room is really small" violet said

"Yeah sure" I said "but I kind of have a roommate too"

"As long as their not like mine,its good"

After our lesson, Violet and I went to go sit outside and wait for Liam to pick us up.

He came almost immediately after class. Violet and i got in the car and I noticed her facial expression change. She was looking at Liam with hungry eyes.

Violet was quiet the whole way there. When we arrived, Liam opened the door for Violet and I noticed how she her whole body language changed. It was cute and almost seductive. I hadn't told Violet that Liam was my roommate, I guess she just thought he was driving us here. We got in the apartment and sat down.

"I'll be upstairs if you need me" Liam said

"I probably won't but okay" I said jokingly
Violet looked like she just realised what's happening. After Liam left, Violet looked at me

"Is he your roomate" she asked sounding

"Yes he is" I said chuckling

"No fucking way. You actually live with him. No fucking way!!!. He's been my crush since I saw him at orientation last year"

"That's cute, you should shoot your shot while you're here" I said to her

"No,no, I look terrible. He wont be interested in me" violet said

"Are you kidding me. Do you have any idea how beautiful you look. Dont be so insecure, Liam will definitely be interested in you" I told her

"How do I shoot my shot" she asked sounding more confident

"Go upstairs, and go into his room, it's the first one on the left and say you where looking for the bathroom, then start a convo with him"i adviced her

"Okay" she said as she got up and walked up the stairs

I started doing the assignment we where given while I was waiting for Violet. It wasn't that hard and I didnt mind Violet not stepping in. She was anyways busy with something a lot more interesting. It had been forty-five minutes and Violet still hadn't come downstairs. I assumed things got heated and they might be a while. I eneded up finishing the assignment and watching TV. An hour passed and that's when they both came out of the room. Liam went to the kitchen and started chugging down water and Viloet came and sat next to me. She cleared her throat and said
"Umm..are you done with the assignment already?"

"Yeah. It was really easy. We can both take credit for it" I genuinely said

"Thanks" violet said

Liam sat on the love seat In the corner of the room and asked what we're watching. Before I could answer. Violet pointed out that she should head out before dark. Liam went to go fetch his car keys and we where ready to take Violet back to her dorm.
I thought it was best to stay behind and let the two love birds have their alone time. I just chilled on the couch and continued watching my show

"Aren't you coming?" Liam asked

"Nah, I'll stay" I replied

"So I should drive back alone?"Liam asked

"Its not that far of a distance Liam" I said

"Its going to feel like its far if you're not there"

"Just come Kenya...please" Violet said while she stared into my eyes.

I agreed and we walked to the car. I sat in the backseat. I was observing what was happening in front of me. Liam lay his hand on Violets thigh and then she put her hand on his and held it tight. It was so cute. We arrived at Harmony Lake. Violet left and waved goodbye.

I went to go sit in the front seat with Liam and when I got in I gave him an 'I know what happend' look.

"What?" Liam asked as he started the car and drove off

"You know what" I replied as I put my seatbelt on "you guys look cute together" I added on

"What do you mean?" Liam asked

"You and Violet, Dont tell me nothing happend for a whole hour and forty-five minutes upstairs" I said

"We just made out and why did you check how long it was?" Liam asked

"Whatever you say and I didn't mean to, I just like keeping track of time" I said

"You said we look cute together, do you want us to be together" Liam asked as he looked into my eyes for a few seconds then back on the road

Those few seconds of when he glared into my eyes made me question the answer I was about to give him. I didn't mind them being together, knowing that she's had a crush on him for a while but when he looked into my eyes for those few seconds, I wanted to be Violet, I wanted to be the one he kissed in his room and the one he wants to be with. What do I say?

Hello loyal reader
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I really appreciate that

I tried making this chapter long
Sorry for any mistakes during this chapter
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I promise to try and make the next chapter extra long
Stay safe during Corona ♡♡♡♡

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