Chapter 21: Cloudy weather

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Two months passed by and Life was back to normal. Liam and I where still living together, Going to school together, eating together and went to therapy together. But we dont need it anymore. My parents almost made me move back to South Africa because it's too dangerous here. I convinced them I should stay and they let me.

"Hey weirdo. You wanna go out for dinner tonight?" Liam asked me as we where packing dishes

"I dont feel like cooking so yes, I would love to"

"Awesome. Its McDonald's by the way" Liam said

"Ouuu, So fancy" I said sarcastically.

I got dressed and went to my lecture. School isnt as weird as it used to be. But I still get people who stare and always ask what happend. A lot of girls still dont like me because I live with Liam. 'One of the hottest guys on campus' they call him.
I'm not scared of them though. I've been through worse than a bunch of horny jealous girls. I went back home after my class.
I always check the backseat and my rear view mirror everytime I drive. It's become a habit and a makes me feel safe when driving.

I got home and went to get dressed for dinner.
I wore a highwaist denim jean and a long sleeve long sleeve white crop top and put on a belt. I wore blue Jordan's, hoop earrings and a bracelet. I wore a blue bandana on my head and still looked good. It was just McD after all. I grabbed my purse and got ready to head out. When I got downstairs Liam was already in his car. I went outside and got in

"You take so God damn long to get ready" Liam said as he started the car and drove off

"I didnt even take that long" I said

We arrived at McDonald's and got inside. As we sat down I saw some girls from school sitting at a table near us. Liam and I ordered our food and started having a conversation.

"We've been through a whole lot though" Liam said

"Dude!Its mostly been bad luck"

"No, it was bad people, toxic people in our lives" Liam said

"Very true. I swear your friends are the only other friends I have apart from you"

"Same, I've known them ever since we moved here and they have never let me down"

"McTasty for the lady and Quater Pounder Cheese with extra fries for the gentleman. Anything else?" Said the waitress

"Ketchup please" I asked

"Sure thing" she said as she left and went to grab us a few sachets of ketchup.

"Dont look but I think you have a fan girl club checking you out" I said to Liam

"Where" he asked as he turned around to look

"I said dont look you idiot"

Liam and I began eating, that burger tasted so good. I realised my fries where running out, Liam got extra fries so I'll just take some from him. I reached my hand out to his plate and grabbed a bunch of fries. I put them on my plate and continued eating.

"Why did you that" Liam asked

"You have too many fries, I was just helping you out"

"You took all my fries" Liam said as he pointed to his plate

"Ummm....nice weather we're having, huh?" I said trying to change the subject

Liam laughed and we continued having goofy conversations. We finished our food and Liam offered to pay.

"Imma go pay for this. I'll be right back" Liam said as he stood up and went to the counter

I went on my phone and like always, took advantage of the free wifi. I went to snapchat and looked through my snap memories. I saw the pictures and videos of Liam and I. Us in our PJ's when we wake up. When he's cooking for me, when we're driving around. Liam was my main source of happiness, he was my only source of happiness. He made me feel safe. I never get over the day when he said he loved me when we where at the abandoned building.

Wait a minute. Do I love Liam? Holy shit. I do!!Oh my God. As I was having a whole conversation in my head, Liam was flirting with another girl. Well, it looked like flirting.

Her name is Camilla. She has long, wavy ombre blonde hair and the body of a Victoria Secrets model.
She put her hand on Liams chest and started laughing, Liam was laughing too. I grabbed my bag and got up from the table

"You done paying?" I asked Liam

"Oh, yeah"

"Great, let's go then" I said trying to get us to leave.

"Wait. Camilla this is Kenya. Kenya this is Camilla" Liam said

"Hi" I said as I fake smiled at her

"Hi" she said back. I could tell she was fake smiling too.

"So,Congo, where are you from?" She asked

"Excuse me?" I asked her as I raised my eyebrow

"Where are you from?" She repeated

"My name is Kenya" I said back to her, making sure she heard my annoyed tone of voice

"What did I say" she asked trying to act innocent and confused

"Nothing. Let's go Liam" I said as I held his hand

"You'll call me" she said as she looked at Liam.

"I probably won't" Liam said as he gave her back a napkin that had numbers on it "and her name is Ken-ya. It's not that hard".

We got in the car and Liam apologised for what happened. I told him it's okay and that he didn't need to worry about it. It started raining and I thought we would be going home but Liam turned the other way.

"Where are we going?" I asked Liam

"I was going to take you to fairy park but, I got another idea now.

I was confused about what he was talking about. Liam stopped by campus and parked there.

"What are we doing here?" I asked Liam

"Get out the car" Liam said

"Its raining though" I said

"Come on" Liam said as he got out of the car and grabbed an umbrella from the trunk. He came and opened the door for me and we stepped out. Liam and I stood by the side walk underneath the umbrella.

"Liam, what are we doing here?" I asked again

"Remember this place?" He asked me

"Yeah, its school. Can we go now"

"I know its school but what else about it?"

"Its cold. Now can we go?" I said wanting to walk away

"No Kenya. This is where I first saw you. Where you bumped into me and dropped your work into the water. This where I first looked into your brown eyes, where I first saw your face. This is where I found my childhood best friend after so many years".

I smiled and looked into his eyes.

"If it wasnt for this place, I might have never found you. Bumping into you that day changed my life forever. I never thought I would care this much for a girl. That I'd be willing to die for her or even kill for her, but you changed all that. You stole my heart Kenya. I fell in love with you.
I love cuddling with you, I love kissing you, I love holding you, I love keeping you safe and I love that you keep me happy. You're everything I've ever wanted and so much more.
No one can ever compare to you. I want to be with you, more than anything. So...Kenya Zivani-Williams, the only girl who played soccer in highschool, Will you please be my girlfriend.

Hey guys
Sowy🥺but👉👈this is the 2nd last chapter
The last one is also coming out today.
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Stay safe during Corona ♡♡♡♡

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