Chapter 9: Taking an Uber home

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Calvin and I went to go play beer pong and just made out most of the time. I felt that i was getting a bit tipsy and decided I should go home, I gave Calvin his hoodie and lied by saying I was going to the bathroom. I started looking for Liam and couldn't find him. I went outside asking people if they had seen him

"He left about an hour ago I think" said one girl

"WHAT?!" I exclaimed

"Yeah, he's the one with the nice black Mercedes right? Look sis, I know you wanted to get laid by that hunk of a man, every girl does but that chick he is with is psycho and he's really hard to get even when he's not cuffed. So, word of advice girl, just move on" she said as she walked away

I was so furious, how could he just leave me here. I called an uber and when it arrived, I got in and went home. When I arrived home, Liam was pacing up and down while on the phone. When I entered the door, he heaved a sigh of relief and came to hug me. I didnt hug back
"Why aren't you answering your phone" Liam asked

"You leave me alone at a party and you're worried about why I'm not answering my phone" I said trying to stay calm

"I thought you came back to the apartment. I Last saw you with Calvin playing beer pong. " Liam explained

"What kind of excuse is that?!" I said beginning to raise my voice

Liam stayed quiet.

"We went there together, wich means we leave together, how do you just leave me there assuming I came back here.

I'm almost drunk Liam, what the hell would've happened if I didn't come looking for you in time Huh?!" I yelled "I had to take an uber home"

"Look Kenya, I'm sorry" Liam said

"I don't want your pathetic apology Liam, I want you to explain why the hell you left me alone there"

"You had Calvin with you"

"I went there with you Liam, not Calvin"

"Then why spend all your time with him, kissing him every turn you take"

"What the hell was I supposed to do, third wheel with you and your psycho girl"

"She isnt psycho."

"Yes she is. Tell me the truth Liam" I shouted


"Tell me the fucking tru-!!!"

"IM JEALOUS!!" Liam yelled " I'm jealous as fuck of how close you are with Calvin, I want to be the one you're kissing Kenya. The one you go out with on weekends. I'm jealous okay!!"

"Wha-....what?" I said in shock and tears in my eyes "but you cuffed Vio-"

"To make you jealous. That was an asshole move of me, I know but I did catch feelings for violet for a short time during the relationship but they faded away quickly, shes just not the type of girl I want to be with".

"What type of girl do you want to be with Liam, if it's not Violet or any other girl on campus then what type of girl do you want?"

Liam kept quiet for a while. He walked closer to me.

"You're the type of girl I want to be with Kenya. You always have been".

I was frozen. I didn't know what to say or do

"I broke up with Violet, I couldn't keep faking" Liam said as he walked even closer to me.

He held me by my waist, pulled my body closer to his. He slowly ran his hand softly up and down my back. He looked into my eyes, wiped away the single tear that was falling down my cheek. He looked down at my lips while he licked then bit his. He looked back into my eyes and whispered "I want you kenya"

We both leaned in for a kiss and when my lips touched his, all the pain and anger I was feeling left my body. His lips where so soft and his kiss was was gentle.
The way he held my body made me feel safe and warm. The he kissed me made me feel lustful. We pulled away and glared into each other's eyes for a moment.

"I'm really sorry" Liam said

"You did break Violets heart though"

"I know. I feel like a piece of shit for that"

"I feel guilty" I said

"Its not your fault, its mine. I should make amends with her"

I smiled and hugged him.
He smiled back and that cute dimple was there

We went back in for a kiss and ended up falling asleep in each other's arms on the couch.

Hey guys
Sorry for a short chapter, its 5am and I really wanted to do this before I got to bed. sorry for any mistakes to
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