Chapter 15: Restraining order

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I couldnt believe Calvin did that. I was still in shock and couldn't stop crying. I called Liam to come pick me up from McDonald's. I had run all the way there. While I was waiting for Liam I ordered a drink and sat inside. I saw Liam's car pull up outside and him exit it immediately. I got up and went to him. He hugged me tightly.

"What happend. What did he do?" Liam questioned me. I ignored him and went into the car and sat there quietly. He got in and drove off.

"Kenya? What happened!?" Liam continued to ask
I didnt feel like talking. I'll tell him when we get home. We got home and just seeing my new car lightened up my mood. It looked gorgeous. I felt a whole lot better. We got in the house and Liam and I sat on the couch. He tried holding my hands but I flinched. He stared at me for a while.

"Did he try to do something to you?" Liam asked. I realised that me flinching gave Liam a hint of what happened.
I nodded my head.
"Its not a big deal, he didnt get do anything" I said

"He tried to!" Liam said as he got up

"Calm down Liam. I dont want any drama"

"He created it!" Liam yelled "I'm gonna kill him. I swear to God, I'm gonna kill him"

"Liam, Stop! I dont want the same thing as last time to happen"

"He hurt you Kenya" Liam said as he looked at my thighs and saw the hand prints on them. He looked at my neck and noticed the bruises too.

"Yes he did, I dont ever want to see him again. But who says he isn't crazy like Violet is. She was also nice in the beginning but turned out to be Psychotic. We both trusted Calvin, who knows how dangerous he is. I don't want you going out this late looking for him. Let's just let the police handle it and move on. Please" I said trying not to cry

"Okay. You're right" Liam said

We went to the police department to go report this incident. They asked if I wanted to press any charges. I just wanted a restraining order. I got it and they told me they would take it to his place tomorrow morning. Liam and I went back home and had our usual movie dinner. Liam has always been here for me. I dont know where I would be without him. We cuddled on the couch together and watched a movie. We ended up falling asleep in each others arms. Liam woke me up the next morning.

"Let's go jog. It's only 3km today" he said

I got up and went to get dressed. As Liam and I were jogging near fairy park. I looked at the bench where Calvin and I where sitting. I was so angry with him. I wanted to take a rest, so Liam and I decided to take a walk in the park.

"Is it okay being here?" Liam asked

"Yeah, i wont let that one night ruin such a beautiful place for me"


"Restraining order Kenya. Really?" Calvin said. He came out of no where

"Yes Calvin. Stay the fuck away from me" I said

"Leave her alone" Liam said

"Chill, I just want to talk okay" Calvin said

"I don't want to talk to you or see you ever again Calvin. What you did is unforgivable" I said

"Its not like I raped you" Calvin said argumentatively

"But you sexually harassed her asshole" Liam said

"You weren't there. So shut the fuck up" Calvin said to Liam.

Liam went and grabbed Calvin by his shirt collar and pulled him closer to his face.

"You hurt Kenya. I dont care if I wasn't there, I saw the bruises and the only reason I didnt come and beat your ass to a pulp last night is because she asked me not to. You're really lucky we went to the cops instead because if Kenya didn't convince me to go to the cops, your body would have been laying in a ditch right now.
Do you fucking hear me. You're gonna stay the fuck away from Kenya and if you EVER come near her again. I'm gonna keep my promise and I will kill you Calvin. Dont push your luck". Liam said as he pushed Calvin away.

"Just go Calvin" I said

Calvin went to his car and drove off. Liam actually did that for me. I feel so safe around him. We continued jogging until we got home.
"I'm craving some Starbucks" Liam said

"Let's go then" I said.

Liam grabbed my car keys and handed them to me
"Its your turn to drive me around" he said

We got in my car and drove to Starbucks

"You're a smooth driver" Liam said

"Thanks" I replied

We got to Starbucks and waited in line. While we where waiting there where some girls behind us, whispering and giggling. I ignored it and went on my phone. I love free Wifi.
We ordered our drinks and went to sit by a sofa. One girl approached us while the others where watching but tried to not make it obvious.

"Hey there" she said.

"Wassup" Liam said as he looked up at her. She smiled and blushed.

"I didnt expect your voice to sound that sexy" she said to Liam. I raised my eyebrow at her.

"So do you come here often" she asked Liam

"Yeah, I do"

"So do I, but I've never seen you around". She said

Liam shrugged his shoulders. She sat down next to him and they started talking. She rubbed her hand on his arm and twirled her hair. She laughed at the most irrelevant things and she pretended like I wasnt even there. I forgot to mention that Liam and i where still in our gym clothes. And Liam looked at hot as hell. He looked like the models who model sports clothing. Two other girls came and started flirting with him. Liam looked uncomfortable and gave me one glance.
It looked like he was asking for help. I got up and went to the bathroom. I quickly tried to make myself look sexier. I let my hair down and applied some lip gloss. I splashed some water on my breasts and walked out of there like the bad bitch I am.

I went to Liam and saw the whole group of girls was now there. "This is gonna be fun" I thought to myself. I went and stood infront of Liam.

"Hey babe, what's going on here?" I asked

"Ummm...I-i" Liam stuttered. He was looking at me with hungry eyes. I knew what was going through his mind.

"You're so cute when you stutter like that" I said as I climbed on his lap, pushing those girls away. I put my arms around his neck and my face really close to his. He didnt say anything. I gave him a quick kiss.

"Who are these adorable children" I asked as  stood up from his lap. "Are you guys selling girl scout cookies or something?"

"Excuse me?!" one said

"They where just asking what my work out routine is babe" Liam said as he stood up

"You have a girlfriend?" Asked the first girl

"No honey, I'm his mom" I said sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes and stood up. She slipped a piece of paper into Liams hand and blew a kiss as she walked off. They went to go sit somewhere else. We got called for our drinks and left

Hey guys
A lot of you wanted this chapter immediately because of how the last one ended, I feel like it was a but boring so I'll make the next one more interesting. Sorry for any mistakes
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