Chapter 12: Back on Track

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The next morning Liam came to pick me up. I walked with a limp and used a wheel chair to get to the car. My left arm was in a sling and my leg was bandaged. Liam opened the door for me and helped me put my seatbelt on. When we got home, I hesitated to go into the house. I had flashbacks of that night and couldnt bring myself to walk through that door. Liam held my hand and told me everything would be okay. We walked in and there wasnt any sign that anything had happend here a few days ago. But I could see the blood in my mind, me crawling on the floor, thinking I was going to die. The little hope i had of making it out alive. I could still see Violet standing over me with a gun, ready to pull the trigger. I could remember the pain of when she shot me and how everything went black after that, I was sure i was dead. My life was over. I tried erasing those thoughts from my mind and act like I was okay for Liam.

Liam's sat me down on the couch and told me we could camp downstairs until my leg was feeling better and I could walk up the stairs. I told him that going up and down the stairs is good exercise and physiotherapy for my leg. He agreed and asked me to be careful

Liam got a pillow and helped me rest my leg. He cushioned my pillows and got me some Starbucks. He cooked that night and we binge watched movies together. I got tired and went upstairs. I got in my Pj's and and got comfortable in my bed. Liam came in and asked if I was okay.

"Did you take all your pills" Liam asked

"Yes dad" I said sarcastically

"Come on Kenya, did you?" He said sounding serious

"Yes I did" I replied

"Look, I'm always going to feel bad about what happened. The last thing I want to happen is you getting hurt again" he said as he looked into my eyes

I lay down and Liam got up to leave.

"Liam" I said in a quiet voice

"Yeah?" He replied

"Can you umm..stay with me" I asked

"Yeah, sure" Liam said as he closed my door and came to my bed. He slid in and closed his eyes, ready to sleep.

I wanted him to hold me, I felt more safe that way.

"Please hold me" I asked in a quiet voice.

I felt Liam scoot closer to me and wrap his arm around me. Him and I where spooning. I felt so safe in his arms. Like nothing and no one could ever hurt me. I quickly fell asleep and never wanted to leave his arms.
The next morning I woke up and I was still in his arms. I smiled.

"Goodmorning" Liam said in a raspy voice.

Liam's voice still sounded so sexy even when he just woke up. We both got out of bed and went downstairs. We ate last nights left overs and joked about what type of rumours people would make up about the whole situation.
I got a text from the court telling me that there will be no trial held against Violet. She does have a mental disorder and will be sent to a mental institution for the criminally insane. They mentioned i wasn't the first to endure this, but I am the only one to make it out alive. I really didnt care, along as I never had to see her again. I told Liam and he seemed particularly happy with that. A few days later we went to school.

When we got there, most people where starring at Liam and I, but we ignored it. Somehow everyone knew about Violet. Liam and I met up with Calvin and we all sat together before class. I was having my usual morning frappuccino. My class started earlier than theirs so I had to go. I walked to class and it was unusual. I had almost every class with Violet, my friend who I thought was sane and beautiful and would never stab me with a knife or shoot me with a gun. My thoughts over took my sanity and I started having a mental break down and panic attack in class. I guess I passed out because when i woke up, I was in the nurses office.

"You're awake" she said sounding happy

"What happend" I asked

"Oh, you had a little panic attack, I got you a leave card for a week, you're allowed to work from home and I strongly suggest you go see a therapist, what you went through was very traumatic and you cant deal with that yourself or else panic attacks like this will always happen. You're beautiful Kenya, dont let this ruin things for you" she said as she handed me my leave paper.

I walked out of there and Liam was waiting for me outside

"I'm taking you home" Liam said as he hugged me
We arrived home and he also got a week leave from school so he could stay with me. I was happy about that and not having to stay alone.

The past week with Liam was fun. Working from home with him was the best thing ever. Sometimes Calvin would come over and chill with us. Sometimes it would be Liams friends.
After that week, a month passed and I was all healed, i wasn't limping and my sling and bandages where gone. The scars where barely visible, physically and mentally. My life was almost okay hagain. Liams friends became my friends.

I was happy.

Liam and I got really close during that time period. He made me laugh and smile. There where times when there was romantic tension between Liam and I, but it was there with Calvin too. I was to confused and didn't want to make any hasty decisions, so I ignored my feelings and focused on myself. I jogged every morning with Liam and I barely needed therapy anymore.

"WAKE UP" I said as I shook Liam awake

"Huh?" Liam said looking confused as he woke up

"You're late, our jog starts in ten minutes" I said to him

Liam quickly jumped out of bed and got dressed. We left the house and took our usual route. We took a rest at a park bench and watched as people walked by.

"I'm tired" Liam said

"We're almost done" I replied

"Can we just walk back" Liam debated

"No Liam, it's a full sprint back home" I said as i jumped up and ran as fast as I could.

I beat Liam, just like I always do

"You know I let you win right" Liam said in short breaths

"Sure you do" I said trying to catch my breath

Heyy you
Its 5am again
How was this chapter?
I'm so so soooo sorry for any mistakes
And sorry this chapter took a few days to be published
I'll try publishing every day from now on
Stay safe during Corona ♡♡♡♡

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