Chapter 18: Did you miss me

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I woke up in Liams arms. It felt so good to wake up with him. I sat up straight and looked at him.
"Goodmorning" I said in a raspy voice as i smiled at him. My voice sounded like shit.

"Goodmorning" Liam said in the sexiest voice ever. He got up and put his sweatpants on and I put on his shirt.

I went upstairs to go take a shower. I was reminiscing about Liam. His fingers tracing my body, his soft lips kissing my neck. I fantasised about him throughout my shower. I finished and I decided to dress simple and comfortably.
Liam had already seen me naked, so wearing short clothing wont be a problem now. I wore a light pink vest and denim shorts. I looked in the mirror and saw all the hikkies. Some of them hurt but in a good way.
As I was walking down the stairs, I saw Liam had made breakfast for us. I was starving. We sat down and he kept gazing over at the hikkies on me.

"They dont hurt" I said to him

"I know. They're just a lot" he replied.

We finished eating and Liam told me that my phone rang and the person asked me to call them back asap. He went upstairs to go shower and I got my phone. The number looked familiar. I dialed it and it was answered almost immediately.

"Hello" I said

"Hi ma'am. May I please speak to Ms. Zivani Williams". She used my last name so I immediately assumed it was the University.

"This is she" I replied

"Ms.Zivani. This is Harmony Psychiatric Hospital for the criminally insane. We're terribly sorry about this and I need you to not panick. The authorities are already on this case and you are safe".

I felt a cold shiver go down my spine. I was assuming the worst in my head.

"What's wrong. What's happening. What are you talking about?!!" I asked

"Ms.Zivani...,Violet escaped two nights ago"

Fear overtook my body and I screamed. The phone line cut and I was frozen. I couldn't move. My body was in shock. I didn't want to belive what I was hearing, it couldnt be real. I'm dreaming. I must be dreaming.
Liam ran down the stairs and kept asking me what's wrong. I tried talking but I couldnt. I was too much in shock.

"Talk to me Kenya!!!" Liam exclaimed

"VIOLET ESCAPED!" i finally said

"WHAT?!" Liam said "You're joking right".

"Why the fuck would I joke about this. That number that called was the psychiatric hospital. She escaped two nights ago" I said in a shaky voice

"Two nights?!" Liam said in frustration and shock "why do they only tell us now?!"

I realised that both Liam and I panicking wouldn't help us with anything. I sat us down and told him we should calm down. They did tell me that the authorities have been alerted and we're safe. Liam calmed down a little and hugged me. We hugged, assuring each other that we'll be okay. I got an email from school telling me I needed to go there and sort out my personal information because something was wrong with some of my details.

"I gotta run to school quick" I said to Liam

"Okay, I'll come with you"

"No, you stay here and inform the guards about this. I'll hurry back. I promise"

I grabbed liams white hoodie and wore black tights. I got my car keys and started driving to school. I got there and went to the reception.

"Hi ma'am. I got an email telling me to come and sort out my details"

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