Alphas Together - End

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 My wings worked quickly to move me as fast as possible toward where ever my body seemed drawn to. I knew something was wrong, I could feel it.

 I dived into the trees and my feet hit the ground next to Cody's furry body, I instantly saw his fur was matted with blood and teeth marks. He was breathing heavily and whining, I knelt down next to him and looked at the slowly healing bite marks all over his shoulders and belly. Standing back up I looked around the trees spotting a pair of yellow eyes pinned to me from behind a thick bush.

 The low growl reached me as the rust colored wolf launched itself at me. I reacted too late and found myself on my back with the snarling wolf on top of me. My thumbs hooked in its cheeks keep its snapping teeth just inches away from my neck.

 I could feel its hot breath on my skin, in a panic I let my hands catch on fire setting the wolf's fur in a blaze.

 It jumped off me and howled in pain shaking and rolling on the ground. Putting the fire out I quickly jumped at the wolf and kicked it in the nose. Its head snapped to the side but whipped back and latched onto my leg. Pain shot threw me and I hissed at it, it growled back at me and narrowed it eyes. I was pulled off my other foot as it shook it head and threw me into a tree. Coughing I pushed myself up as it jumped at me again, placing my hands on its head I froze the liquids in its body.

 The body slowed down before freezing in a savage pose, I continued to freeze it until I couldn't feel any heat in the body at all. Shoving the solidly frozen wolf off me I rolled over panting and looked at Cody, his small black body still laying where he was before.

 Taking a deep breath I pushed myself to my feet limping on the leg that had been bitten. I didn't feel myself healing and looked down finding pieces of teeth stuck in my leg under the steady flow of blood.

 Groaning loudly and glaring at the frozen wolf, how do I get myself into these situations? More importantly who the hell was that wolf? Why did he attack a pup? I heard Cody's bones cracking and looked back finding him shifted back into his human form. He whined lowly and I hobbled over to him picking him up. He wrapped his arms around my neck and I glanced at the frozen attacker.

 Curling my lip I noticed Nyx sitting on a low branch of one of the trees. Flapping my wings I lifted myself off the ground then eyed the wolf again. Concentrating I lifted the creature up using my mind, which was difficult, and flew back toward the house. The throbbing in my leg made it much more hard to focus on carrying the wolf behind me as I flew, Cody's body shook in my hold. When I could see the yard I noticed the whole pack standing around my mates sitting on the ground with their father standing in front of them.

 "There, he's back. See I told you nothing was wrong... Holy shit." I landed just inside of the yard and moved the frozen wolf dropping it in front of me.

 "Alpha Todd, what is this?" My eyes flashed to a pregnant woman, she stood next to Jackson so I assumed she was my Beta Sophia. Swallowing thickly I pulled Cody away from me and limped around the frozen wolf toward Ronald, pushing the pup into his hands.

 "He was badly hurt when I got to him, make sure he's okay." Ronald nodded quickly carrying Cody into the house.

 "What happened? How did you know he was hurt, and where he was?" Looking back at an older looking man, his grey hair was pulled back in a thick braid that stopped in the middle of his back. Shaking my head softly I limped passed him and flopped on the ground next to my angry looking mates. They were staring hard at their father but looked down at me worried.

 "Mind helping me fix this?" Pulling back the pant leg I moved my foot closer to them, their eyes landed on the bleeding bite mark with teeth stuck in it. Their eyes flashed up to their father angrily, they both growled "Next time he has a feeling trust it and don't stop David and I from following him."

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