Chapter 12

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The first person Farren saw when she and Aragorn rushed out of the doors into the sunlight was Legolas. The elf face looked more shocked than grieved, surprised more than anything else. It made sense she supposed, Legolas was an elf. Elves rarely saw the death of those who were close to them, mortality was still new to them, he had only ever seen dwarfs of Thorin's company die and Tauriel.

Boromir was grappling with Gimli to stop him from running back into the mines. Farren sunk down next to Merry and Pippen. Pippen was lying on the ground moaning in pain, tears streaming down the hobbits faces. She pulled Merry into her side, one hand wrapped around his shoulder, with the other she pulled Pippen's head into her lap, stroking his hair, murmuring soft words to them. She saw the guilt eating away at Pippen. It was him who had started the chain of events that had led to Gandalf's fall.

Aragorn wiped his sword clean of orc blood, ''Legolas, Farren. Get them up' he commanded. Farren knew why they had to move, she held onto the hobbits tighter murmuring in their ears that they had to get up. Legolas moved towards Sam but was stopped by Boromir's cry.

"Give them a moment for pity's sake"

"By nightfall, these hills will be swarming with orcs. We must reach the woods of Lothlorien" her brother yelled, sheathing his sword. Farren called Boromir's name, it came out as almost a plea as she gently pulled Merry and Pippen to their feet. The two hobbits still clung to her. Aragorn ran around to Sam pulling him up while Legolas did the same. At Aragorn's call of Frodo's name, Farren turned to see the ring bearer staring out at the woods, moving away alone. When he turned his grief was terrifying, a mix of anger and hopelessness.

Farren and Aragorn ran ahead of the fellowship, splashing through a river to look down on the Forest of Lothlorien. "Hurry" Aragorn yelled back, spurring the rest into action. Farren was faster than her brother, taking the lead as they entered the woods.

Farren paid close attention to the trees, tracking their path forwards towards the hidden elven city. She could hear Gimli talking to the Hobbits about an elf witch, she had to conceal a smile as Gimli was talking very loudly. A small breath of wind caught her attention, she drew her elven blade spinning around.

"You have a power that you do not yet understand" whispered a soft voice in her head. Farren closed her eyes against the voice but it faded away leaving her questioning her sanity. A flicker of movement caught her eye, she raised her dagger just as Gimli began to talk again.

"I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox" only to come face to face with arrow tips. Legolas had his bow raised in retaliation, but Aragorn raised his hands in surrender.

"The dwarf breaths so loud, we could have shot him in the dark" a blonde-haired elf drawled.

"Haldir" Farren greeted politely dipping her head in a bow, lowering her blade. The elf nodded to her in greeting before Aragorn engaged him in elvish. 'Legolas' Farren muttered, motioning for him to lower his bow. He did so reluctantly, stepping closer to her.

Haldir motioned for them to follow. The sun had fully set by the time they reached an outpost. Haldir turned to Legolas greeting him as Son of Thranduil, Legolas returned a respectful greeting. Haldir then turned his gaze to Farren and Aragorn, greeting them in elvish.

"So much for the legendary courtesy of elves, speak words we can all understand" Gimli spat,

"We have not had dealings with dwarfs since the dark days"

Gimli replied angrily, something that went along the lines of 'I spit on your grave'. Farren had picked up quite a lot of dwarfish and though she had practised in 60 years, she still understood it roughly.

Aragorn looked to the sky briefly with an exasperated expression that she knew mirrored her own, "That was not so courteous" he chided, slapping Gimli warningly. Haldir looked at Frodo, commenting on the evil of the ring and saying that they could go no further.

A hushed argument in elvish commenced between Aragorn and Haldir. Legolas turned in the moonlight to look at Farren who approached him. "Frodo fears that Gandalf's death was in vain and that we blame him for this situation with Haldir" he nodded towards where Boromir was talking with Frodo.

Farren nodded, "It was not his fault but mine" Legolas looked at her incredulously. "If I had stopped the Balrog or gotten in front of Gandalf..."

"Then both of you would have fallen. Gandalf's death hurt me enough Farren. I could not deal with yours" his fingers danced over her cheek, "Whatever you did with the Balrog was more than enough, no one, not even Lord Elrond could have done more than you did. You are alive and here and that it's what matters to Gandalf and to me"

"You will follow me" Haldir instructed, but he paused reaching out his hand to Farren, "And you shall walk beside me"


A/N A slightly shorter chapter today but I'm going to update tomorrow as compensation. We reached 1k reads!! Thank you so much!

How is the weather where you are? We literally had a heatwave and then snow in the space of 4 days!

Thank you for your lovely comments! I'm glad you guys seemed to like the humour of the last chapter!


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