33| Unpleasant Encounter

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Before you start reading, I'd like to thank you for being so patient and supportive. You and your comments always make my day a little sweeter, and I don't know what I did to deserve such an amazing audience.

This chapter is more Taehyung-centric. Him and Jimin are in similar situations, so I'd love to know what you think the differences/ similarities are.

Enjoy ♡


Seohyun unlocked the door with a frown, and when she entered the house, something felt odd. It was difficult to explain, but a kind of uneasiness started to rise up in her chest.

Why was Jimin here?


No answer.

With a sigh, she put her bags on the table and started to wander through the villa. At the beginning, nothing seemed suspicious. Everything was standing at the same place, making it look like no one had been here. But when she reached the garden and walked towards their deck chairs, it was obvious that someone had taken a swim. The wet towels gave it away.

Ugh, they smell like chlorine.

Seohyun picked them up and approached the washroom, trying not to curse.

Is it so hard to clean up after your own mess, Jungkook?

While opening the washing machine and glancing inside, she noticed that there were already clothes in it. The woman hesitated for a second before pulling a wet shirt out, eyes narrowing as she realized that it couldn't belong to Jungkook. It looked way too small for her husband's broad figure, and she was sure that she didn't own anything similar to that clothing either.

"I- you know what, I don't even care anymore," Seohyun groaned and put everything back inside, not wanting to deal with another mystery after her already tiring day. She decided to just ask Jungkook when he came back from work and left the room again.

I'm sure there's an explanation.


Later that evening

"Finally, you're here! I was worried that you wouldn't make it on time."

"Don't get too excited, Grandma. It's just Hyeri," Taehyung rolled his eyes and walked towards the stairway. He didn't mean to sound so harsh, but his mood worsened with every passing second that brought the visit closer.

"Kim Taehyung, you better be polite and don't run off into your room again!" She yelled after him, "You haven't seen your sister in weeks! This is a great opportunity to work on your relationship."

The actor laughed quietly, not believing that his grandmother really meant it. Everyone in their family knew that the siblings started to drift apart when Hyeri met Dowon, and he was sure that by now nearly all of them accepted the fact that there was no way to bring them back together. Taehyung truly wished he could go hide in his room or find a good excuse to avoid them, but running away didn't seem like an option right now. Sooner or later he'd have to face Hyeri, he might as well just get it over with.

"I'm taking a shower, calm down!" He answered and disappeared in his room. Taehyung felt a little bad for acting like a brat, but he couldn't help it- Hyeri was already getting on his nerves, and she hadn't even showed up yet.

Ugh, tonight's going to be a disaster.

He threw his bag onto the bed and walked towards his wardrobe to choose something nice to wear. Taehyung really didn't look forward to this dinner, but he'd at least make an effort and try to look good. So after picking a suit, he rushed inside the shower of his own bathroom and got ready for the evening.

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