Chapter 3

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As promised, here is the second update for this week. Enjoy!

"Granger." Draco breathed out, his eyes widening in disbelief.

Hermione stared at him in wonder, her eyes wide and filled with curiosity, her mouth slightly opened. The sound of the box falling startled her out of her reverie. She let out a small gasp and hurried towards the door.

"Oh my." She said in a whisper, noticing the cracks in the box.

Her voice jerked Draco out of his shock. He looked down at his feet and saw the crumpled box.

"Shit." He said under his breath. "I'm sorry. I'll help you fix it." He said quickly, looking at Hermione.

She gave him a small smile, shaking her head.

"It's alright. I can do it myself. I should be sorry for the trouble." She said mending the inside of the box with a swift wave of her wand.

What the hell is happening here? Hermione Granger is smiling at me and talking to me as calm and nicely as anything. Have I died perhaps and gone to the afterlife and this is just an Angel that looks like her?

Draco's internal rambles were interrupted by Hermione's soft voice.

"Where did you find it?" she asked, gesturing towards the box.

I know I sound like a bloody fool for thinking it, but this must be the afterlife. This cannot be Granger. She would never talk to me like this, smiling at me in this manner.

"Uhm, are you alright?" Hermione asked him, noticing his blank stare, thinking perhaps he was ill or something.

As her voice reached his ears again, Draco gave himself a mental slap, pulling himself out of the trance.

"Y-Yes. I'm fine, quite fine." He said quickly, trying to smile but managing only a grimace.

"May I ask where you found the box? I don't remember leaving it outside." Hermione said, frowning in concentration.

"M-My d-door." Draco stuttered. "I found it in front of my door." He added quickly, finally sounding like a normal human being.

"Oh, Ginny must have forgotten it there." She said letting out a small huff. "Thank you very much, for bringing it to me." she added, flashing Draco a heart-stopping smile.

Draco felt his insides melting. His breath caught in his throat and he only managed a sharp nod in response.

"Well, since it appears we're going to be neighbors, let me introduce myself. I am Hermione Granger." Hermione said, stretching her arm towards him.

Draco's heart pounded in his chest. This was the moment. The moment when he will find out if this was heaven or hell. He was sure that the instant he would tell her his name, she would recall everything, and hate will fill her calm and beautiful features.

"I... I'm Draco Malfoy." He told her in a low voice, waiting for thunder to hit. Nevertheless, his body moved according to its own will, making Draco stretch his arm as well.

To Draco's great surprise, and panic, Hermione's hand shook his, while beaming warmly at him.

"It's nice to meet you, Draco Malfoy."

He felt like dying, not able to breathe properly. His hand felt hot where he felt Hermione's touch and his knees felt shaky. His whole body trembled slightly. Draco was unwilling to let go of her hand, as if the only thing holding his body and mind together was Hermione's touch.

Finally, after a moment, he managed to recollect himself, years of practice helping him to compose his features. He let go of her hand and bowed slightly.

"It's nice to meet you too." He added, this time managing a small smile. "I'll better leave you now. Good day!"

And with that he turned on his heels and left Hermione's flat. He reached his flat and flung himself on an armchair, head in his hands, raking his brain to find an explanation for what had just happened.

She doesn't remember me. She doesn't know who I am.

His thoughts ran desperately around his mind, making him both confused and annoyed. He tried to think about it from all perspectives, but that was the most plausible explanation for her behavior. She seemed genuine, no trace of falsehood or pretense. In all appearances, Hermione had lost all memory of Draco Malfoy.

Why has this happened? This wasn't supposed to have happened. She was only supposed to forget that incident.

He suddenly realized something.

Potter. I have to go and talk to Potter.

Without waiting for the next day to come, he disappeared from his flat. Five minutes later he was bursting through Harry Potter's office door.

"Potter, I need to talk to you." he said urgently, taking a sit in front of Harry's desk without waiting for an invitation.

Harry raised his eyes from the papers he had spread onto his desk and started at Draco in bewilderment, his quill hovering steadily over the parchments.

"Good day to you too, Malfoy. I thought we were supposed to be meeting tomorrow. You couldn't wait for one more day to see me?" Harry said slowly.

"Leave the pleasantries for later Potter." Draco snapped. "I have something to discuss with you. It's urgent."

"And what is it so urgent that it cannot wait for one more day or that you couldn't put in a letter?" Harry said, raising his eyebrows.

"I've met Granger." Draco said in one breath.

Harry's quill fell, splashing the papers with ink. He stared at the blond man in front of him, eyes wide in surprise.

"You have? How come? Where? Why?" Harry breathed out question after question.

"I'm her bloody neighbor, Potter!" Draco groaned desperately, leaning back into his chair.

Thank you all for reading this story! Just wanted to say that I want this narration to flow nicely, without fillers. Therefore, make sure to check out the next chapters as well and see how the story progresses. Feel free to vote and let me know what you think. Have a wonderful day everyone! ^^

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