Chapter 16

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Time skip- 5 weeks later-2 months after Betty was raped, which means it's May now. They all are graduating next month.

Betty POV

I've been going to therapy 2 times a week and it's been good for me. I'm finally at a point where I don't blame myself. I have moments occasionally but overall I'd say I'm past that step and that's what I'm going to tell Dr.Sullivan today.

I've also been trying those self soothing techniques that she taught me and I haven't been getting nightmares as often. I still have them about 2 times a week but before I had them every night. Whenever I wake up from one I control my breathing and calm myself down. It usually works, but whenever it doesn't I call Jughead and he calms me down.

Dr. Sullivan told me that today she is going to help me with the next step. She said the next few are going to probably be the hardest ones for me. But, it will be worth it.

Lunch Time

"Hey, B!" Veronica said as I sat down.
"Hey" I said tiredly.
"Why are you so tired? Did you have another nightmare?" Kevin as concerned. Him and Fangs are still together and they're so cute!! Cheryl and Toni are still together too. I'm happy for all of them. They really deserve to be happy.
"No, I didn't have a nightmare. I was up studying for the math test. Unlike someone" I said looking at Toni and laughing.
"Hey baby. How did your test go?" Jughead asked as he kissed my head and sat down next to me.
"I think it went pretty good." I said smiling.
"Can you guys believe we're graduating next month? Who would've thought Archie would make it this far?" Fangs asked causing us all to laugh.
"It's pretty hard to believe. I can still remember freshman year like it was yesterday." Cheryl said nostalgically.
"Me too. It's crazy that it's almost over." I said leaning into Jug.
"Ooh! I have an idea! Let's go around and share our favorite high school memory or experience!" Veronica said excitedly. We all nodded and smiled.

"Okay, I'll go first. My favorite high school memory was when....Oh, I know! It was when I got Betty drunk for the first time. It was hilarious! We were at some random party and Betty was stressing about a test so she just kept drinking and then she got all sassy and it was the best thing ever." Veronica said and we all laughed.
"I got in so much trouble when I got home that night." Betty said laughing.

"I'll go next!" Cheryl exclaimed. "My favorite memory was when Betty corrected the math teacher on how to teach us a lesson. It was freshman year and the math teacher was teaching us wrong, obviously and then Betty corrected her. She got all mad and told Betty she was being an entitled brat and sent her to the principles office. The principal just laughed and told Betty she did nothing wrong and then switched her classes. Betty was so upset and embarrassed she cried on my shoulder the entire lunch block. It was actually really funny." We all laughed.
"You cried over that?" Jughead asked in disbelief.
"Yea. I HATED getting in trouble, especially in school." I said causing them all to laugh.

"My favorite memory was when Betty wrote the exposé on Chuck Clayton and then I got to become the football captain." Archie said. We all laughed again.

"My favorite memory was when Betty told me I could be the photographer for the Blue & Gold then, when all my photos came out awful she told me they were good and then re-took them herself and let me think I was a talented photographer." Kevin said and everyone laughed.
"I didn't want to make you feel bad" I said.
"Betty, I knew I was bad at it" Kevin laughed.

"My turn!" Toni said. "My favorite memory was when we went shopping for the first time together. Betty wanted to go to all these pastel pink and blue stores and I wanted to go to all the black and dark purple stores. That was a longggggg trip." Toni said and I laughed.
"Yea I remember that. You guys were gone for hours." Fangs said laughing.

"My favorite memory was when Betty found out I loved Kevin and literally freaked out. It was like she saw a celebrity or something." Fangs said everyone started laughing harder.
"Why are these all about me guys?" I said asking them while laughing still.
"Because Betty. You made our high school years enjoyable. Whenever we had a bad day you made sure we looked at the positive side. You were the light in the darkness for all of us." Toni said.
"Stop" I whined. "You're going to make me cry." I laughed wiping a tear away.
"Now. Let's finish up. We have Jughead and Betty left. Who's up first?" Veronica asked.
I looked at Jug while he looked at me. We both shrugged and laughed.

"Okay I'll go. My favorite memory was when I walked into the Blue & Gold for the first time. I had heard rumors about 'the Betty Cooper' and dreaded having to spend time with you. Little did I know, that I would end up falling in love with that girl." He said. I smiled at him and kissed him.
"OMG! That was so cute! My favorite ship!!" Kevin said causing us all to laugh.
"Okay B, you're last." Veronica said.

"My favorite memory was....ugh! This is so hard!" I complained. "Hmmm... it would probably be when Jug and I introduced you guys to each other . I was so stressed that our two friend groups wouldn't get along and then it would affect our relationship but as soon as all of you met, we all just clicked. It was very relieving." We all laughed about all of the memories we had shared. Most of the time they were making fun of me for crying over getting sent to the principles office for correcting a math teacher.

All of our laughs were interrupted when my phone rang.
"Hang on guys. I'll be right back."
I decided to just stand against a tree because I was too lazy to go any farther. Then I answered my phone.
"Hi, is Elizabeth Cooper there?" The person asked.
"This is she." I was so confused. Who would be calling me?
"This is Judge Judy. I'm calling to inform you that Samuel Peabody is sentenced to 3 years in prison." Who the hell is Samuel Peabody.
"You might know him as Sweet Pea" she said.
"Oh, yea. Okay. Thank you for letting me know."
"No problem." She said
"Um well, bye" I said and walked back to the table.

I sat down and looked down at my hands.
"Who called you?" Archie asked.
"Some judge" I said and they all looked concerned.
"What did she say?" Fangs asked
"Um. She said that Sweet Pea is sentenced to 3 years in prison." I sighed and looked down.

Then the bell rang. Jug and I walked to class hand in hand and when class was done he drove me to therapy.

Knowing he was behind bars was supposed to make me feel better. And it did, don't get me wrong. But, how was I supposed to feel safe knowing he'll just get out in 3 years. After all the trauma he's caused. This isn't fair. I'm stuck her trying to put together what he broke and he only gets 3 years?! It's not fair.

A/N: This was one of my favorite chapters to write. I loved coming up with funny stories about the characters! Also, I don't know how long someone would actually go to jail for so I'm sorry if it's incorrect! I'm so excited to write upcoming chapters because I have so many ideas for the future of this book! Make sure to comment and vote! :)

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