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A/N: this is a fourteen yr ol' Avery's Point of view on everything that happened and everything has been written from a fourteen years old kid's mindset.

Happy new year💜
Tap that star to make me smile.


"Moooooooom, come on. It's just a party." I whine. A party thrown by the most popular and sexiest boy in my school. 

I couldn't believe it when the most popular guy in my high school started giving me his attention. A guy like him wouldn’t even glance twice at the girl like me and I don't know when he noticed me. But I'm not complaining, because any girl in our school would kill to be in my shoes for a day.

We've been hanging out for a month now and I think… I'm in love. He's so damn amazing, smart, gentlemanly, there's nothing to hate about him. We've kissed a few times and I never wanted to stop. He takes my breath away whenever he kisses me and if that's how I die… I'll die happily. And then he invited me today to his party. I couldn't refuse.

He even said that I can bring my best friend with me if I don't feel comfortable enough to attend his party alone, such a gentleman he is. Almost every girl drools over him in the school and he has never, ever, invited a middle schooler to his party. I feel like the luckiest girl alive, and I’m not gonna lie, I almost had a heart attack when he winked, yes actually winked at me, as he passed me in the parking lot when school was over.

And me being a total wimp, I started blushing then and there, which only made him chuckle lightly. “You're a loser, Avery.” I scoff at myself, but hey, he laughed positively. Like he liked that I was blushing. Maybe he loves me too.

But he's eighteen, I think to myself. So what? Mr. and Mrs. Smith, our neighbors, have an age gap of seven years between them and they're still married and madly in love with each other. And it's not like we're gonna elope to Vegas and marry each other, it's just a party, right? And attending his party won't hurt, since there's a rumor around the school that he throws the coolest parties in the school and invites only selected people. 

You have to be someone special if he's inviting you to his party, and I'm NOT going to lose this opportunity, since it's a ladder to get into the popular crowd. Poppy would be so jealous when she hears tomorrow that I was invited to his party. 

I sigh and utter his name under my breathe for the hundredth time, "Will Levi". Even his name is sexy. Shit, I need to go to this party. I just have to, I don't care what I have to do.

"Mom, are you even listening?" I ask, entering the kitchen where my mom is washing the dishes. We've just had dinner and I've been pestering her about this party throughout dinner, but she's hell-bent on me staying home. She doesn't understand how important this party is for me. 

"No means no, Avery. You are not mature enough to attend a high school party. And why would a high schooler even invite a middle schooler? I don't care, you're not going anywhere, go to your room, complete your homework and sleep," she says sternly without even looking at me.

"Mom, please. You don't understand. It's the first time I've been invited to someone's party. I don't wanna miss it. I don't want to come off as a total loser in school, plus I’m fourteen mom. I'm mature enough to attend a damn party. You know I would never drink or do some bad shit. Please trust me." I keep pushing my luck desperately. 

"No, and that's my final answer. Go back to your room and sleep," she replies with the kind of authority in her voice that makes my mouth snap shut and takes me back to my room. 

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