Jungkook x Female Reader

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You were working in your home office late at night. Rain was softly hitting the windows surrounding you.

You heard the keys jangling from downstairs followed by the front door opening. You just continued to furiously type on your computer, ignoring the time.

"Y/N? Baby girl? Daddy's home."

You didn't respond. Jungkook slowly walked up the stairs to your shared bedroom and sighed when he didn't see you there.

"Why are you working Y/N? You should be asleep already." Jungkook said as he leaned on the door frame of the room.

"I have to get this work to my boss by tomorrow. He said it's due tomorrow at 11:00 PM."

"Babe. It's already tomorrow. Come on take a break." He sat in one of the chairs at the front of your desk. You have told Jungkook before and he has already seen how much of a perfectionist you are.

"When did you start working baby?"

"I don't know, like 7?"

Jungkook scoffed. "5 hours is enough princess. Come sleep and cuddle with Daddy. Eonnie and Oppa are waiting for you." Jungkook said in a soft, gentle voice as he mentioned your stuffies, trying to coax you into little space.

You could feel yourself slipping, the warm feeling in your tummy starting to spread all throughout your body. The thoughts of blankies, stuffies, and pacis came into mind. All a shade of pinkie.

But you shook it off and continued to work. Jungkook pouted and went behind you to show you an all too familiar object close to your mouth.

You instinctly opened your mouth and let him gently slide the pink paci in. It felt cold but in a good way. Your mouth immediately felt comfier.

"Good girl~" He whispered, the simple praise making you slip and he closed your laptop.

He smiled and picked you up, the tiredness now hitting your body as he layed you on the bed and changed you into some cute pink panties and one of his shirts that you loved to wear.

You crawled to your spot on the bed and snuggled into the soft blankies that awaited your presence.

Jungkook smiled at the sight and joined you on the bed next to you, pulling you and your blankies to him. You whimpered and looked around the room, searching for your best friends. Daddy smiled and put Eonnie and Oppa on your sides. You quietly squealed and held them tight.

"Night night my little angel." He placed a kiss on your paci, allowing a soft giggle to be muffled from the paci.

He turned off the bedside lamp and hummed to Euphoria to help you sleep.

By the time he had finished, you were already dreaming about having a tea party with him and your stuffies.

"Sleep well little one."

Little Reader x BTS OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now