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"i'll sit and watch your car burn"

The only way Harley could think of to get her mind off of things, was to go for a run. She didn't know where she was going, but with music blasting through her earphones and sneakers on her feet, she took of in the chill morning air.

The girl had yet to tell Jughead about what had happened, and she was planning to keep it that way. The Jones boy was way to overprotective, especially when it came to Harley, and the fact that he was now in a gang didn't help much either. He'd cause more harm then good, so she refrained from telling him. Harley was pretty sure it would come back around to bite her in the ass, seeing as it was a somewhat common occurrence in the small town, but her withholding from telling him the truth would keep him off her back for a while.

Harley wasn't exactly a track runner, but she had read online that it was a great way to get ones mind off of thing. She figured she'd give it a shot.

Fifteen minutes into the run, she found herself standing infront of Pop's diner. The bell chimed loudly as she entered. She froze, the memories she was trying to escape flooding back when her eyes landed on a leather cladded back. The green, two headed snake glared at her. Only a few feet infront of her, Sweet Pea was landing an order. Shit, shit, shit. She was not ready to face him, not after only faintly remembering that night. She was sure he would have questions, questions that Harley was far from ready to answer.

     Why was it that she had never stumbled upon a single serpent at the Shoppe before, but now they were here damn near everyday.

Harley looked around for a way to escape, but the bell hanging loosely on the door had already busted her. Sweet Pea turned around, his attention landing on Harley. His eyes widened. "Byers!" He called. Harley froze midway through her escape. She plastered a fake smile on her face, feigning surprise.

"Sweet Pea, hey!" She said through gritted teeth. "Fancy seeing you here." He furrowed his brows at the way she was acting. Judging by the few encounters the two had already had only short times prior, this wasn't normal behavior for her. Then again, he wouldn't really know, now would he? They barley even knew each other's names, let alone what was considered normal and not about one another.

     Usually she was witty, a little bit of a bitch, and really sassy. Now, she looked nervous.

     "Yeah. . . You cool?" She pursed her lips, stuffed her hands into her pockets and nodded, awkwardly shifting on her feet.

     "Yep, yup, yeah, mhm. Cool as a popsicle." Silence engulfed the two for a moment or two. Harley took it as her shot to leave. "Yeah, so see you around."

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