The Crazy Race

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~Squid's P.O.V~

It was a lovely sunny day in Stampy's lovely world, and we were all in such a good mood.
We were all having a good time because Amy suggested a Funland marathon, which was basically playing all the games in the Funland in order of which they were built. Netty, Amy, Stampy, Ash, Rosie, Lee, Sqaishey and Finball were all playing with me. We were playing ugly duck fling when all of a sudden, it started to rain. "oh, man," Netty exclaimed. "What are we going to do now?" After a couple of murmurs, Finball spoke and said, "Truth or Dare?"
Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, when Sqaishey yelled "well, what are we waiting for?! Come on, let's go!" "Yeah!" Everyone yelled in unison while running towards the tree train.
~~Ten minutes later~~
~Sqaishey's P.O.V~
"Let's play in Stampy's bedroom, just in case we need to go outside, we have his balcony." Rosie said. "Let's split into two teams. Me, squid, sqaishey, and stampy in one, and Finball, rosie, netty, Amy and Lee in another." ash explained, "the last team that arrives at Stampy's bedroom has to do a dare decided by the winning team. the losing team has to do the dare otherwise they will get pumpkin pie to the face!" "Your on!" Me and Amy said in unison, while pulling our silliest game faces at each other, which made everyone laugh. Stampy started the race by saying, "teams, get ready, get set... GO!!!
I could hear squid, ash, stampy and finball yelling "AAAHHHHH! CHARGE!" Lee was just sniggering.
~Finball's P.O.V~
we ran past the farm and both teams were neck and neck, but just then, Barnaby came running between my legs, slowing the team down and tripping me up. Rosie said to the rest of the team, "man down! Man down!", and came running up to me to see if I was alright. once lee, Amy and Netty realised that I was on the floor, which was not long, they came to see if I was alright, helped me up, and soon we were up and running again. we saw the other team by the lake under Stampy's house, which was opposite the police station. We stopped dead in our tracks. they looked like they were wondering where to go.
~Stampy's P.O.V~
Both our teams were neck and neck, and I thought that we needed an extra member on our team, so I silently whistled, awaiting the reply. then he came into view, Barnaby, one of my dogs. Barnaby was really close friends with Finball, so when he saw him, he came bounding across the field towards Finball, "Barnaby, NO!" I thought. Barnaby went right through his legs and tripped him up, then started following me. "I better apologise when we get to my bedroom." I was thinking about how to explain when squid stopped dead in his tracks. sqaishey and ash did too. Then I saw what they were gawking at. Googlies. it looked like a whole army. sqaishy had a gold sword, which was almost broken, ash had an iron one, which was considerably better, squid had a bow, but he was almost out of arrows and I had a diamond sword, but it was on verge of breaking. oh I wished lee was here.
~Lee's P.O.V~
I saw the other team looking at something, I told the rest of the team to duck down low, and If I needed them I would shout the code word cream cheese. I crouched down low and I slowly crept around them so they wouldn't see me and I could get I get view of what they were looking at. I was horrified at what I saw and looked at Stampy's face, everyone in Stampy's team looked terrified. I then screamed at the top of my lungs, "CREAM CHEESE!" Stampy's face lit up when he heard me. I started sprinting down the hill, toward the googlies, screaming "CHARGE!!" I heard the Netty and Amy screaming behind me, their voices filled with confidence. then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw squid, sqaishey, ash and stampy draw their weapons and started shouting too. I smiled and turned around, almost head butting a zombie. the others were so far behind, so I backed away, but they started to follow me, I saw an arrow fly past me and into the zombie that was chasing me. it was squid. He withdrew his bow and took out his sword, he slashed and slayed, with Finball close behind. I felt a bit more confident and started battling a skeleton, which was really hard. Pretty soon, everyone was battling the beasts, and they all disappeared, and our pockets were nearly stuffed to the brim with loot, especially Rotten flesh.
Stampy then walked over to me and said, "cream cheese? What does that word stand for?" " Help" I replied. "Thanks mate." stampy told me while turning his hand into a fist, offering a spud. We turned around to see Netty staring at us with a "let's go" look on her face. "well, come on let's finish the race!" She laid some string on the floor and put her foot just behind it, getting in a position like you do at the beginning of a race. I copied her and smirked at squid. He stood next to me and did the same thing. Slowly but surely, everyone was behind the "starting line", even Barnaby because Finball said that he had to be included, because he helped destroy all the Googlies with us.
~Ash's P.O.V~
I cried out "take your marks, get set... GO!!" Everyone started sprinting down the path, and all aimed for the door by Gregory's grave, but it was a bad idea. We all bounded through the doors but all of a sudden everyone stopped. luckily I was behind them. I started to laugh because I knew this was going to happen. Soon everyone was laughing because they saw what had happened too. they all were squashed in the door frame, Barnaby included. "Ash, do something! I must look so embarrassing!" Sqaishey cried out. "Wait a minute guys! Calm down, I'll break down the doors with my axe and it will all.. all... be fine!" I was trying desperately to hold back my laughter, but if you saw nine butts staring at you right in the face through a door frame, you would probably roll around the floor laughing. "what's so funny?" Everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY said in unison.Yes, even Barnaby tried to speak. "I'll show you when I get you free," I said, while taking a picture on my phone to show to everyone. I got my axe out and began attacking the doors, which eventually broke and everyone fell on the floor with a sigh of relif. they all looked at me and I smirked. "well, tell us what was so funny" Amy said. I pulled out my phone and gestured everyone to come over, so they gathered around the phone and I showed the picture. Stampy burst out laughing, his laughter was really contagious, so soon everyone was rolling around the floor laughing. Stampy waved goodbye to Barnaby and he trotted back to the doghouse. Rosie suddenly had a serious face on. I knew what was going go happen, again. everyone looked at each other and exchanged looks. all of us started to sprint down the hall. "almost there" I thought. but Finball came running past me, holding Netty's hand, and Netty was holding Rosie's hand, and Rosie was holding Amy's hand. they were all giggling, and in Finball's other hand, he had just grabbed Lee's wrist and ran in front of us as they went for Stampy's closest door. Squid managed to stop just before we had a collision with the other team. but I accidentally bumped into him, and Sqaishy bumped into me, and then Stampy bumped into her. Squid was inches away from hurting his head under the stairs. When we bombarded into the room at last, Netty, Rosie, Amy, Lee and Finball were sat on Stampy's bed with mischievous smiles on their faces. this wasn't good.

Lee said in his mysterious voice;
"Truth... Or Dare?"

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