28 - Dean's

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The abidance of second semester was vague, and replete with excellence of plain nothing.

"What do we have in the school calendar?"

"For this month, we have Groove n Glams, and I'm sad to tell this but the last activity will be the Drama Club in March." The two head officers of Youth Forum were discussing the remaining scheme promulgated in the huge timetable on the wall. "The Drama Club of our department will be merging with college. I heard they will be making a grand play."

"Les Misérables will be their piece." Chaeryeong's lips plunged open, bewildered. "It's understandable why adults have to guide us. It's a massive and expensive play."

"Wait, you were there when it happened?"

"In the meeting? I was." Yeji pressed her lips together, "they were supposed to do Mary Poppins or Oedipus Rex at first." wandering her vision all over the student center while students were engrossed on what she told them to do so.

"Mary Poppins is light, while Oedipus Rex, well,  too enigmatic. So, I've told them, why not Les Misérables since it talks about relevant social problems such as injustice, corruption, poverty, and political resistance."

"All of those make the play beautiful." Yeji spoke.

"We know none of those things are beautiful."

"Well, it has a transformative power of love."

"Like, how you and Ryujin transforming into another level?" Chaeryeong had a smarmy facial expression, wiggling her eyebrows.

Yeji bit her inner cheek. "The person just went to a breakup, it's not like that." She eluded into another side. "Yeah, she skipped school that day, but it didn't mean I should take advantage of it."

"Ryujin never liked Lia. It was the pressure of the circumstances, of the people around her."

"Still, it will be inappropriate for me to just storm in. Besides, I don't know if she feels the same thing." Chaeryeong almost rolled her eyes in oblivion. Though, Yeji was too benevolent to receive that, so, she opted to sigh in exasperation. "Why do you sound..."

"Oh my God, you're giving me a migraine. There's no way that dumb ass doesn't feel the same, I'm telling you this as the wisest person here."

"Chaeryeong...you're giving me high hopes..." Gritting her teeth then clenching the lineages of her jaw muscles, Chaeryeong unleashed her load of aggravation by facepalming herself.

"To compliment your high hopes, Ryujin has always been keeping your letters since from the beginning." The cat eyed girl was abandoned, the coffee haired girl sauntered to the other students.

"I'm kidding, I'm back." Yeji jounced her both shoulders in surprise, switching her position to face Chaeryeong. "I don't feel the atmosphere there."

"What goes on?"

"As we all know, your picture on the bulletin board of club's officers had ugly writings." Nodding slowly, she hummed. When second semester began, to their surprise, only Yeji's picture on the board was awfully vandalised with some ink when they had a meeting. "And we're suspecting few people in our club."

"We? I don't really mind who did it, maybe the person was bored that's why." Apart of that, the padlock of her locker was destroyed. Yeji never told anybody. She bought another lock to fix it and it was fine as she thought.

"Heejin and I. We're being absurd if the person who did that got away so quickly? It's contrary to the student codes, Yeji." They both sighed, they knew the person should be penalised considering they were even part of the organization that maintained students' welfare. "What?"

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