[chapter twenty two]

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[her; Alex Alvarez]

Alex and I were getting ready for the Bar mitzvah, him telling me that I looked beautiful, and I, while full of butterflies, telling him that he looks quite ravishing himself. We walked into the living room and started using our phones, waiting for dad to finish getting ready to drop us off. Elena and syd were getting ready for Comic-con and Lydia and Dr. B were prepared for the opera.

Pen walked out from the kitchen,"You guys! Better get on the road! You dont want to be late for comic con!" She walked over to where Alex and I were sitting.

"And Alex, Aaliyah you guys look so great!" She started talking more directly to Alex, so I backed off. "Its my first bar mitzvah. I dont want to look like a schlemiel." Pen made a confused face, and Alex pointed to Dr. B. "Dr. Berkowitz has been teaching Aaliyah and I Yiddish."

"The kids are naturals. I'm plotzing with nachas." Pen turned back to Alex,"Aye papito, I cant believe it's also your first sleepover.""Yeah, only 8 short years after Aaliyah had her first sleepover."

"Hey! Be thankful that Abuelita and I are being so cool about it." Pen walked away, talking to Abuelita about how perfect the mother is.

Alex put his arm around my waist, making me feel those dammed butterflies again. We heard Elena talking to Syd about her plan at Comic-con, and it sounded like they would hardly have time to talk. And I guess Pen thought the same thing, because she said,"Sounds like you're not really gonna have time to talk to each other." But they were kind of whispering, so that was all I really heard of the conversation. Alex stood up and told Syd,"Blink twice if you need help." I smacked his back, and he sat down and laughed with me. "Dont be an idiot, Alvarez." "Dont be a saint, Valdez."

"Alright you guys gotta get moving, let's go! Come on!" She shoved us put the door, one by one. Alex grabbed onto my hand as we walked down the hallway, with the two other couples behind us. As soon as we stepped outside, some officer came up to us. He was about to start talking to us, but someone from a helicopter interrupted him. "We're in pursuit of a dangerous suspect, he is armed. Everyone go back inside, and do not leave your building." We all groaned, quickly walking back upstairs. Alex texted the guys that we might not be able to go.

Lydia tried opening the door, but the lock was on it. "Lupe! There is a murderer running loose!" She kept yelling and yelling that she was coming and coming. She closed the door, unlocked it and let us in. It looked like she was fixing up some stuff or something, one of the pillows hadnt been on the couch properly. We walked in, she was dressed in a jumpsuit. Odd. Alex and I kept walking in. "Theres a police helicopter out there." I continued his sentence,"They're not letting us leave. Looks like we're on lockdown." Alex and I put our bags down, and he came and gave me a hug. I was worried about dad. "Itll be ok, mi amor." Jwjdk this kid! Elena asked why Pen was wearing that jumpsuit, and Pen said that it's what she always wears. "I have never been more proud of you." Uh she was in war but ok, Lydia.

her; Alex Alvarez [discontinued]  Where stories live. Discover now