Chapter 6: A Home of Silence

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June 4, 2045
8 am

" I wish you nothing but good life. Be safe. Goodbye, River. "

The director gave me a hug and I did the same. I smiled warmly at him and he slightly nodded. He then gave me an envelope so I frowned at him and opened it.

Tumingin agad ako kay Lorrie na nakatayo sa tabi ko at saka sa Director. The paper is an official document issued by the bank stating there is $1 million on the account River Fabiery.

" I dont need this huge amount of money. "  I said to both of them.

" its from the asylum funds. It was meant for patients like you. "
Sagot sa akin ng director.

Lorrie nodded at me in confirmation. Nagbibiro ba sila ? What am I gonna do with a million dollar ?

" its okay. I'm sure it will be of great help with your education. "

This will clearly make me a millionaire in just a snap if I accepted this. Nagdadalawang isip talaga ako pero muling tumango sa akin ang director at tinapik ang balikat ko.

" its yours child. Now go on. Until we meet again, in Metropolitan. "

A bitter smile plastered my lips before I put it inside my backpack. Punong puno ng mga libro ang backpack ko na ito. It's the books and almanacs that the director promised to give me.

" thank you sir. Goodbye "

Lorrie did not bid her goodbye to the director because obviously, they see each other at the labs.

I carried my cheschire cat and went out of the office. Isa-isa ko ring niyakap yung mga nurse including Susan whom I got closed to after Meridith.

" Can you do me one last favor ? "

" ha ? oo naman sige, ano ba yun ? "

" stay focus on your job. Do not go wander on anything else. Goodbye Susan "

Nagtataka niya akong tiningnan pero niyakap ko na agad siya para hindi na siya mag-alinlangan pa. I knew I have to say this because I dont want the same fate to be written down to her. I dont want the same death again. These people didnt do anything wrong. I just want to rest assured they'll be okay.

" ang bait mo talaga. Of course I'll be focusing on taking care of the patients here. Just like how we took care of you. Sige na, goodbye and good luck. "

I touched her hand as she kissed me in my cheeks and bids goodbye. I waved at everyone again before I took my last step at the asylum. For the first time I feel different kind of emotions aside from hate and anger. I got mixed up and compelled. Was it supposed to be like this ?

I really wonder who am I going to be.

Lorrie helped me load my other backpack containing few clothes and stuffs. I put my bag full of books at the backseat too but took my cat with me at the passenger seat.

Oh, by the way, I got my driver's license two days ago. You know what happened. I met my cool racer instructor and I passed the exams and he congratulated me as he handed me my license.

" how are you feeling ? "

We both put our seatbelts on and she started the engine. We finally left the asylum and I took one last look at it before it disappears from my sight.

" do you really think I can do this ? "

I whispered under my breath. Looking forward on this empty road.

L1-TS01BTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon