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'Lucy Heartfilia.'

'Who's there?'

'The names Agnor and I come here to make you the next demon ruler.'

'What?! Who are you?!'

'Just you wait and see, the demon power from Zeref book which is E.N.D will be yours next!'

'Wait! What do you mean by—'

"Lucy! Lucy!"

Lucy woke up straight on the bed floor, panting. Her eyes open wide, sweats are all over her body and she saw Natsu and the others surround her and ready to go. She sighs, "Did I woke up that late?"

"Yeah you were! It's already 9 a.m. god damn!" Natsu said, with his hand still on her shoulders.

"Did you have a nightmare Lucy? You're so hard to wake up." Happy asked, flying to her side.

"I did, but I am fine."

"Come on, you should get ready." Said Erza, all of them left the room except Happy and Natsu who was still inside.

"Are you sure it's just some kind of nightmare?" Natsu asked, his face worried.

Deep down Lucy was so happy that Natsu was worried for her but she immediately brushes it off, "Yeah it is, it's just a ghost that looks like Happy." Lucy jokes and Happy felt odd at the thought, "Did I was that scary?"

"Happy you should get out! I will stay here so Lucy can change,"

"You're the one who should get out you perv!"


"I feel~~~sick~~~~" Natsu burps out as he sat with his arm around his stomach, Wendy too who was sitting across him, "My head~~~spinning around~~"

"Oh god." Said Carla in the middle of them, "Why they are so reckless."

"That's a dragon slayer for ya!" Happy exclaimed, while holding his fish.

"Erza-san, how much hour left we will arrive at Hargeon?" Juvia asked.

"For about an hour or two." Erza replied, she's sitting at front with Gray beside her.

"I hope we will arrive there sooner,"

"Is it me, or is it getting hot in here?" Lucy asked all of sudden, "What are you talking about Lucy? It's merely cold, everyone is wearing long sleeves except you." Juvia replied confusedly.


"Lucy, you sweat a lot! Are you alright?" asked Happy worried, everyone's attention was now on her and they could tell her face looks really pale.

"For some reason, I feel so hot here. I feel like I'm burning." Lucy puff out and place her right hand to her eyes, closing them. "Lucy..." Happy murmured, staying close to her for comfort.

"Hang on there Lucy! We'll be hurry!" Gray said as the carriage horse went faster than before.

"Oh~~~No~~! My stomach~~"

'What is wrong with me? Ever since I had that dream, my body won't move like I wanted to. Is it truly a dream? And why did the Agnor dude said I will be the next demon ruler?'

The Awaken of The Demon Celestial Wizard - Natsu x LucyWhere stories live. Discover now