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The next day.

The team B are already on their way to Ishgar to go and meet Brandish for the sealed magic and the bell. While team A were in the guild protecting Lucy, well it could say they were too overreacting.

"Can you guys knock it off?!" Lucy yelled, pissed off. She wanted to go the bathroom but they were also following her. "So, if Lucy wanted go to the bathroom, it's only Levy and Wendy could enter and follow her."

"Right." All of them agreed.

"Stop it! I am totally okay, I can defend myself!"

"Luce! Don't say that! You can't defend yourself!" Natsu scolds and step forward.

"But I am able to! There's Celestial Spirits with me!"

"You're being reckless sometimes!"

"You too Natsu! You always didn't think twice!"

"What did you just say?!"

The two mages continued to fight debating who's the one right while the other who was seeing this just shook their head, "Natsuu, Lushii stop fighting." Happy mumbled.

"How much reckless I am than you when you wandered off to defeat Zeref on your own? Even you ended up hurt and unconscious!"

"And how about when you trying to defeat Brandish?!"

"I was trying to protect you!"

"Screw that! Even if you try to defeat Agnor, you and the Celestial Spirits are too weak!"

"Uh oh." Happy gasped a little.

Lucy widens her eyes at what Natsu said, how could he... But he was right, Lucy's power beside everyone else is weak. She just had to train her more of her magic powers. She looked down to the ground gritted her teeth, and was about to smack him, but she kept the urges and walk pass off the others to went out of the guild.

"Oh, is that so? Then I am sorry for being weak and a burden to you." Lucy whispers quietly but Natsu and Wendy could hear it loud and clear.

"Lucy-san!" called Wendy worried.

Natsu who was still standing there, slap his own face as he sees Lucy went off from the guild in hurry. "Natsu that was so rude of you!" scold Levy.

"Happy please follow Lucy-san," begged Wendy as she tries to calm Charla who was going to punch Natsu in any second. "Aye sir! Leave it to me!"

"But it was our fault too, we push it too much on her." Levy admits.

"Natsu-san you should be more careful of your words, Lucy-san is the type that cannot accept that word the most." Wendy reminds him as Natsu just sighed and walk to upstairs.

The Awaken of The Demon Celestial Wizard - Natsu x LucyWhere stories live. Discover now