Chapter 2

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Your POV

After when Simon left to go to another meeting. We decided to go and call our parents and tell them that we are safe. After that we decided to hang out in the living room and got to know each other while eating chips.

“So, Zac, why don’t you start us of and tell your story since you are the oldest among us.” Cara said.

“Ugh, fine! Well, I am 22 years old. I used to live in Huston, Texas and my last name is Efron, I play basketball, baseball, soccer and I play the guitar, drums, violin, and I sing.” He said and smile. “Oh and don’t forget that I love coffee, bacon and pancakes for breakfast.”

“Ok, I am Cara and I am 20 years old. I used to live in New York and visited Canada a lot of times so I think we should go there and try Beaver tails. I play soccer, basketball, and hockey. I play the guitar, drums, piano and I sing as well.” She said and smiles, “Don’t forget that I always love bacon!”

“So I guess it is my turn.” I said and looked around. They gave me a smile and I can’t help but to feel comfortable around them, it’s as if I’ve known them for a long time now. “I’m 18 years old. I used to live in Toronto, Canada. I play soccer, basketball, baseball, and lacrosse. I play a lot of instruments that it’s too many to mention but I love playing the guitar, piano and drums. Also I love whatever that is called food.”

“So, my name is Shay. I’m from here, Los Angeles. I play the instruments you guys play, I play soccer and basketball. I also like pizza and Adobo!” She exclaimed. We all looked at her confused as to what food she might be talking about. I mean we know what a pizza is but what is this thing called Adobo?

“Don’t tell me you guys don’t know what adobo is?”  Shay asked. We all shook are heads and looked at her expectantly. “Ok! You guys gotta try it. Don’t worry! I’ll cook it for you guys.”

“Wait, how old is you?” Andres asked.

“16.” Shay answered back.

“Really, and you can cook?” Zac said. “I can’t even cook a proper pancake!”

“I’m 16 too!” Andres said cutely. I don’t know, he just reminds me of a little brother.

“Twins!” Both Shay and Andres screamed. We laughed. “Oh, I’m from Mexico and I do what you guys do.” He said.

“Wow, look at that. So basically we are the same soul or spirit living in 5 different bodies.” Cara said clearly amused.

“Also, Y/N, why did you really ask if Lauren Jauregui from Fifth Harmony is single?” Zac asked.

I felt my cheeks immediately flushing. “I-I uhm” I stuttered out. I don’t know if I’m ready to tell them I’m bisexual. I mean we just met and- my thoughts got interrupted by Cara saying something.

“Oh, by the way, I’m gay.” She said proudly, I instantly admired her confidence.

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