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Kakyoin's POV
I sat there, waiting to die. When I heard someone approaching me I gave up completely. I hesitantly open my eyes to see a very blurry Jotaro. I crack a slight smile, not having enough blood to blush. He looks at me and attempts to pick me up. Suddenly a bright light shines above us. We both look up to see the Speedwagon foundation helicopter, which hovers beside us. Two workers step out and lift me onto a stretcher, much to Jotaro's dismay. I clutch his hat to my chest and reach out for him, making grabby hands. He tries to walk over to me, only to be stopped by a worker. "So-ry sir, t-is he-icop—r can on-y fi- one pe-son." He gives up after a moment and leaves. 

Jotaro's POV
I gave up trying to get to Kakyoin, due to the Speedwagon foundation workers blocking me. I slide down the side of the building, stopping time and using Star to slow my descent. I reach the ground and get immediately ushered into an ambulance. After seeing Jiji's corpse I come up with a plan to save him. I use Star to start his heart up, and after a moment he wakes up. He wakes up and almost dies a second time due to pretending to be DIO. After he gets up, it's my turn to get patched up. I sit on the ambulance bed and allow them to apply bandages and casts. My mind wanders to Kakyoin, hoping he's okay. After about an hour we end up at a full hospital. They bring me to my own room. I ask where Kakyoin is, a question they don't answer. After about a week me, Jiji, and Polnareff get to go home. Still no news about Kakyoin's condition. We all decide to go back to Japan, including Polnareff. I asked him why, and he said something about how he's outta family and has grown quite attached to us. We get transported back home by a private plane from the Speedwagon foundation.

Cherry Blossoms. (Jotakak) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now