The Exploration.

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Jotaro hopped off the hospital bed, ready to leave. Despite it only being a week, he had decided that he was fine and ready to leave. After all, he's been through worse. He winced when he put weight on his left leg, but continued walking. A nurse walked in, surprised he was up.

"Mr. Kujo, do you need anything?" The nurse smiled politely.

"Move out of the way. I'm going for a walk." Jotaro grumbled as Star grabbed his crutches.

"Okay, just be back in an hour! And be careful, you're not really supposed to be able to roam." She nodded and stepped out of the way.

"Mkay." Jotaro exited the room.

He glanced at the name tag on the door as he shut it, noticing the purple star under his name. He thought back to when they visited Avdol and Iggy and Jiji explained the purpose to him. Jotaro wondered how they were doing. Polnareff called and mentioned how he was staying in America for a bit, just to be with them. Jotaro couldn't wait to leave and get back home. It was strange, he should've been happy to see them, but he couldn't stop thinking about Kakyoin.

He walked for a while before being stopped by a nurse.  "Sir, are you allowed to be here?"

"Yep." Jotaro shrugged and rolled his eyes. The nurse checked her clipboard and sighed.

"Jotaro Kujo, right? From room 342?" She looked back up at him.

"Yep." Jotaro looked around nervously.

"Okay. Just get back to your room soon." She walked past him.

Jotaro nodded and continued walking, surprised that she didn't swoon over him like so many others. She was a professional, so it made sense. He continued walking, still struggling with the crutches. He glanced at some of the name tags as he walked.

Eventually he made it into the Intensive Care Unit. He glanced around, having just realized where he was. He checked a clock. 20 minutes left. Jotaro walked through the halls, avoiding doctors and nurses. He avoided eye contact and looked at a map of the hospital.

He decided he'd loop around through the hospital to get back to his room. Looking at another clock, he realized he was running out of time. He started walking quicker, which proved difficult due to the crutches. Jotaro scanned the name tags, still not sure why, and stopped a few feet after one. Backtracking, he read the name tag a second time. "Kakyoin Noriaki "

Jotaro swung the door open, earning a jolt from the redhead. He had Jotaro's hat placed on his head, along with his cherry earrings. He looked over at Jotaro and smiled politely.

"Uh- Hello! Who are you?"

//hooo boy

Sorry for a shorter chapter, I was trying to get over 400 words so there was a bit of filler here. But hey, it's about to get way more interesting!

Cherry Blossoms. (Jotakak) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now