The Dream.

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//you guys it's my birthday, and you know what that means! Boom! Chapter time! And a bonus meme I made!

Jotaro laid in bed, contemplating the day. Avdol seemed happy to see them, and he couldn't wait to visit both him and Iggy again tomorrow. The visits were helping take his mind off of Kakyoin, which was nice. He thought about Kakyoin, and how he didn't make it in time. He might've made it if he sprinted or stopped time.

He could feel his heart shatter when Jiji explained what happened. But he had to keep a straight face and fight DIO. That fight was exhausting. But seeing Him in that condition was even worse. Never got to properly say goodbye. Maybe he- Kakyoin was watching over him. Maybe he's proud of him or something. Maybe he should get actual pajamas, rather than the T-shirt and sweatpants he had now.

Jotaro shifted slightly as he felt himself drifting off to sleep.


Jotaro sat up. This wasn't Jiji's house...? He looked around. It seemed he was in a grassy field, with wildflowers poking through the grass occasionally. The field seemed to go on forever, the completely black sky only added to the uneasy feeling.

Jotaro stood up and brushed himself off, taking a quick glance around the area. He shoved his hands into his pockets and began to walk. Occasionally he'd stop and look around, or sit down in the grass.

It felt like he had been walking for hours when he sat down, deciding to take a break. He lied down in the grass, getting comfortable. He ran a hand through his silky black hair and did his best to suppress a yawn. He glanced around before shutting his eyes.

He had been lying there for a few minutes when he heard a bloodcurdling scream. He shot up immediately and started sprinting torwards it. He heard a faint voice as he ran, a familiar voice. However he couldn't quite place who it belonged to.

Jotaro felt himself nearing the end of the clearing. He noticed a few trees around as he ran into the woods. The filtered lighted shined into his eyes as he continued running. Hearing the voice again, he froze. There was another, more menacing one. He hid behind a tree and listened in.

"Let- Let me go!" The softer voice yelled hoarsely.

"Never. You deserve this for betraying me. Betraying our friendship..!" The other voice used a mocking, smug tone.

"You weren't my friend! Friends don't take over minds an-and-" The soft voice was quickly cut of by choking.

"Oh, but sweet Noriaki, you deserved it! After all, you aren't like the other crusaders." The voice used a sickly sweet but sinister tone.

"I- Don't k-know what you-" the soft voice barely choked a few words out.

"You're weak, and have so many defects. But that didn't matter to me~" the voice chuckled evilly.

"He-Help-" The soft voice began to break up into sniffles.

Jotaro could feel himself shaking, and tried to summon Star. Star, however, didn't come out, much to Jotaro's surprise. Jotaro peeked around the tree, took a few deep breaths, and sprinted out.

Kakyoin was up against a tree, being held up by his neck. DIO had a tight grip on him, holding on despite the furious scratching from Kakyoin. Kakyoin's fingertips were covered in blood, as was a good amount of DIO's hand. Jotaro's hat was on the ground, partly covered by DIO's foot. Tears streamed down Kakyoin's face as he tried to break free of DIO's grasp.

Jotaro ran up and punched DIO in the face, DIO staggering back as his grip on Kakyoin's neck loosened. Then, quick as lightning, Jotaro punched him again, causing DIO to let Kakyoin go completely. Kakyoin fell to the ground, coughing loudly and holding his bruised neck gently with one hand. He looked up at Jotaro and struggled to stand up, leaning up against the tree. Jotaro and DIO punched each other for a minute before DIO flew back through the forest.

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