The Guest.

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Jotaro was ecstatic. Today was the day He was coming to his house. Jotaro got off of his futon and walked over to his closet, opening it. The clock in the back read '10:36". They were picking him up at twelve pm. Jotaro yawned and looked at his clothes. Most of them were the same school uniform that he had spent days adjusting. He also had some more... normal clothes.

It occurred to him that he hadn't visited Kakyoin in anything but his uniform. He glanced at the clothes in his closet, eventually settling on jeans and his school shirt. It was pretty hot out so the outfit seemed right to him. He walked into the bathroom and used a bit of hair gel to slick his hair back before going back into his room. He looked around for his hat for a solid five minutes before realizing it was still with Kakyoin.

With an exasperated sigh, he went into the kitchen and grabbed a box of cherries from the fridge, then put them back, having second thoughts. He grabbed an apple from the nearby fruit bowl and scarfed it down. Holly noticed him from the living room and looked up from her book.

"Hey honey! Are you ready to go soon?" She set the book down and stood up.

"Yep." Jotaro really didn't have a response, as it was taking everything he had to not smile.

"Okay! We'll leave in ten minutes!" Holly smiled happily.


Kakyoin sighed, clearly not enjoying all of the attention he was getting. Multiple nurses and doctors were asking him questions, and asking him to sign paperwork. He noticed Jotaro coming into his room and waved casually before going back to writing.

"Kakyoin-San, we need you to fill out this form with your address and phone number."

"Okay." Kakyoin looked over at Jotaro and smiled as he walked over.

"Hey, could I get some help with this? I am staying with you after all..." Kakyoin held out the clipboard with the paper on it to him.

Jotaro took it and scribbled down the information, then handed it back to Kakyoin. Kakyoin looked over it and handed it to a doctor who signed at the bottom. "Okay Kakyoin-San, you're good to go!"

Kakyoin smiled nervously as the doctor and nurses left the room. He looked over at Jotaro who was getting Kakyoin's very few things, and noticed how he had absentmindedly put the hat on his head. Kakyoin shrugged it off and worked on getting into the wheelchair with the help of Green. Jotaro walked back over and set the stuff on Kakyoin's lap when he had sat down all the way. Kakyoin held onto his items and looked at Jotaro.

"You gonna push me or something?" Kakyoin smiled slightly.

"The fuck did you expect me to do." Jotaro said in his usual monotone voice before tugging the brim of his hat over his eyes.

"I knew it! That's your hat!" Kakyoin made a small fist pump in the air and smiled.

"Of course it's my hat. But I gave it to you so..." Jotaro trailed off, feeling his face get redder by the second. He started pushing Kakyoin's wheelchair out of the room. In the hallway they noticed Holly waiting for them.

"Hello boys! Are we all ready to go?" Holly smiled politely.

Kakyoin looked at Jotaro, then back at Holly. "Uh, yeah, sure..?" He smiled nervously.

Jotaro nodded. "Yep. I also wanna get outta here."

"Okay!" She followed them out of the hospital, and then led them to the car.

Jotaro carefully helped Kakyoin into the backseat and sat next to him after putting the wheelchair in the trunk. Kakyoin was very tired and subconsciously leaned on Jotaro as he shut his eyes. Jotaro couldn't help but turn red, and scrambled to cover his face with his hat.

"I've told papa what's been going on, and he wants to come visit! I think the rest of your friends will come by too!" Holly chirped, oblivious to Jotaro's gay panic.

"Cool." Jotaro nodded, trying to give a nonchalant reply.

"We haven't planned anything, but honestly he'll come visit at the drop of a hat!" Holly giggled as she continued driving.

"I was told that I might get braces for my legs..." Kakyoin mumbled, half asleep.

"That's lovely! You know, Jotaro was really worried about you! He spent quite a while making sure everything was in order at our house." Holly smiled.

"Huh." Kakyoin glanced up at a very flustered Jotaro and smiled slightly.

Jotaro pushed Kakyoin into the house carefully, and gave him a little tour of the house. Kakyoin nodded and took mental note of the two futons in Jotaro's room.

"So I'm sleeping in there, right?" Kakyoin motioned to Jotaro's bedroom.

"Yep. Unless you don't want to." Jotaro shrugged and walked over to the back porch, Kakyoin wheeling himself over after a minute.

Jotaro sat on the back porch, smoking a cigarette. Kakyoin wheeled up next to him and smiled casually.

"You know those can kill you, right?" Kakyoin glanced at the garden.

"Meh." Jotaro shrugged and blew some smoke into Kakyoin's face. Kakyoin coughed and waved the smoke away while chuckling.

"Jeez. So what cool things are nearby?" Kakyoin changed the subject quickly.

"There's the store and a creek and stuff." Jotaro shrugged.

"Can we go to the creek and stuff?" Kakyoin said in a slightly mocking tone.

"Sure-" Jotaro was interrupted by Holly calling them in for dinner.

"Welp, guess it's time to head inside..?" Kakyoin shrugged and wheeled himself in, Jotaro following him after he put out his cigarette.

Cherry Blossoms. (Jotakak) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now