The News.

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"He'll be fine, I swear. I'll help him walk and he'll get better..!"

"But it might be more beneficial to keep him here for an extra week or two."

"I think the last thing he needs is to stay in this stuffy hospital. After all the shit he's been through, he deserves to get outta here. Yare yare..."

"I'll have to check with a few other doctors and get their insight."

Kakyoin pressed his ear to the door, but heard footsteps walking away. He quickly moved his wheelchair away from the door and tried to look unassuming. Jotaro walked back into the room, shutting the door behind himself.

"What did the doctor say?" Kakyoin smiled nervously, trying his best to pretend he wasn't eavesdropping.

"You might be able to get out in a week, but the stupid doctor thinks you should stay longer." Jotaro said flatly as he leaned against the wall.

"Oh." Kakyoin dropped the smile and glanced around the room, his eyes landing on the hat he kept on his nightstand.

"Jotaro, could you get my hat?" He could wheel himself over or use Green, but wanted Jotaro to get it for him despite not really knowing why.

Jotaro grabbed the hat and let out a sigh, deciding to play dumb. "Sure. Why are you so attached to it anyway?"

"I don't know. It just... feels important to me, I guess." Jotaro placed the hat on top of Kakyoin's head and smiled slightly.

"I mean, looks better on you anyway." Jotaro mumbled and looked away.

"Thanks..?" Kakyoin felt his face get hot and also looked away.
'Why do I feel so weird? He's just my friend, I think. This situation feels so familiar. It must be deja vu. It's gotta be. Definitely for sure.'

Jotaro opened the door and glanced outside, eventually spotting a clock. 2:37.

"Why aren't there any clocks in your room? Seems pretty inconvenient..." Jotaro stepped back in the room and re-shut the door.

"I don't like them. I'm not sure why." Kakyoin stated very matter-of-factly.

"Huh. Makes sense I guess." Jotaro sighed and looked over at Kakyoin. "My mom's picking my up in a few minutes, need help with anything?"

"Why is your mom picking you up? You seem old enough to drive your own car." Kakyoin shifted in the chair slightly.

"She had to go get groceries and wanted to save gas."

"Ah. Makes sense I guess-" Kakyoin said in a mocking tone.

"I'm leaving. Bye." Jotaro facepalmed and started to walk out of the room.

"Wait!" Kakyoin reached out for him.

"What." He said in his usual monotone voice.

"Could I maybe have a hug?" Kakyoin batted just eyelashes dramatically.


"Why not?"

"..." Jotaro realized he really didn't have a reason and walked over to Kakyoin, hugging him gently. Kakyoin hugged back and failed to contain a smile. Jotaro pulled away and left quickly, trying to not let Kakyoin see his reddened face.

"Bye." Jotaro nodded as he walked out.

"Goodbye, Jotaro." Kakyoin smiled.

//506 words
What's up my guys? I've been recently considering making a Cherry Blossoms/Jotakak oneshot book, because there are quite a few scratched ideas that never made it into the final cut. I also might include some other JoJo ships if it's highly requested. Also sorry about this chapter being shorter than usual. Anyway, Cheese out.

Cherry Blossoms. (Jotakak) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now