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A/N: hope you all enjoy this part! Thank you sm for all the support.
Love you all <3


"JJ!" River ran after the boy and finally caught up with him, he had a few tears rolling down his face

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"JJ!" River ran after the boy and finally caught up with him, he had a few tears rolling down his face. "I'm with you always." She grabbed his wrist and pulled him around to face her.


"I know J, I know." He didn't even have to explain anything to her, she just understood him. She always would understand him. "You don't have to explain yourself to me."

"They all hate me, don't they?" JJ whispered, his voice cracked ever so slightly, so he cleared his throat in hopes that River wouldn't notice. He hated the idea of his only family hating him.

"They don't hate you, they're just scared of the consequences." River paused, "Wanna go somewhere?"

"I would love that, but I think I'm gonna go home, take the money to my dad, pay it off." He shrugged, he was anxious about going home. He hadn't been home since his dad picked him up from the station. Both he and River had been staying at John B's. River only went home every other day to make sure that her mom was okay and still had a job as well as things to eat.

"Do you want me to come?" She questioned, running her hand through her hair.

"No, no, it's okay. I think this is something that I should do alone." He smiled in attempts to reassure the girl. River nodded understandingly.

"You know if-"

"I know where I can find you baby girl." JJ smiled reassuringly.

The pair fell into a comfortable silence. JJ's eyes flickered to her soft lips,

oh what he'd to to have them on his.

He glanced back up to her eyes, which were on his lips, JJ let a smirk appear on his face. She had the most beautiful blue eyes that sparkled whenever she smiled. Her smile could light up the whole world, he felt weak just at the sight.

JJ leaned down, his lips hovering over hers slightly, their warm breath mingled together. River's breath hitched, one more small movement and they'd be kissing.

One small movement.

That was all it took. That was all that was needed.

"Do you even want this?" JJ whispered nervously, if it was 'no' then he could have fucked up their whole friendship. River took a sharpe breath and nodded slowly. A huge smile made it's way to his face.

He didn't hesitate once he knew it was what she wanted. He slammed his lips on hers. River stumbled back slightly, but JJ wrapped his arms around her waist to steady her. Her heart was racing, was this finally happening? Was JJ kissing her?

River smiled into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around the boy's shoulders and her fingers played with the ends of his hair. JJ's hands found the small of her back and pulled her into him. One hand held her tight and the other hand cupped her face, deepening the kiss.

It was slow and passionate, they didn't want to fuck anything up. They both wanted this but they were incredibly anxious. He could taste her vanilla chapstick on her lips. Vanilla was her favourite, always had been. River ran her fingers through his hair as his hands cupped her face, his thumb running over her cheek bone.

River pulled away first, her lips still parted slightly. She felt like she could breath and that her heart had stoped, althought it was racing. Everything around her seemed to be blurred, all but JJ Maybank. His blonde hair hung in front of his blue eyes, River reached up and pushed it out of the way, making him smile.

"Ri-" JJ was going to say something but River shook her hair and placed her lips on his again, she could get enough. For the first time ever, he was hers and she was his. JJ laughed into the kiss and lifted her up. His hands wrapped securly around her thighs and they kissed. River pulled away once again, a huge smile on her face as she rested her forehead on his. "Hey babygirl."

"Hey J." She let out a giddy giggle. "Wow." She chuckled nervously as he placed her down, but he didn't let go of her, he still wanted her as close to him as possible.

He needed her.

"Wow indeed." He nodded, a smile appearing on his face. River loved his smile, his real one anyway. JJ was good at pretending that he was always okay, and often smiled but none of them were his genuine smile. River loved his genuine smile. JJ could help himself, he just placed excited kisses all over River's face, making her giggle and blush. "You are my everything, River Cross."

"As are you mine, JJ Maybank." She smiled up to him.

"And I promise that no matter what happens next, if Barry comes for us, anything, nobody is ever hurting you again." He cupped her face once again, River smiled at the boy.

She could tell he meant his promise and he'd do anything to ensure that he didn't break it. "And I really hate to leave my girl right now, espciallay after a kiss like that." River blushed. "But I need to give my dad this money. And the second I do and we've sorted everything out, I'm gonna come and find you okay?"

River's heart fluttered and her stomach flipped.

My girl.

She liked the sound of that. River nodded with a smile. She was anxious about JJ going home alone, so desperatly wanted to tell him that she was coming with him, but she knew that he'd just tell her no.

"I'll see you soon baby girl." JJ smiled. "I love you." He hoped to God he didn't ruin the moment by saying it, but he needed her to know.

"I love you too J."

RIVER | JJ MAYBANKWhere stories live. Discover now