Two: Inuyasha and The Sacred Jewel

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= Yoru's Pov = 

"How did we end up in the Sengoku Era?!" Kagome ask.

I was about to answer her about what Grandpa has told us before when she started running to a tree.

"Kagome-chan! Where are you running to?!" I yelled and chase after her. 

"I can see the Sacred Tree from our yard!" Kagome yells.

We ran to the Sacred Tree and there we see a young boy in red rob with silver hair and... Animal ears? What is he, a dog? What kind of cosplay is this?

Kagome then gets closer to the boy and started pulling his ears. I have to admit, it's cute but I don't think she should be doing that.

"Kagome-chan,  I don't think you should be-"

I was cut off when a bunch of arrows came shooting at us. Kagome shrieked and I get on a defensive position. I can't let anything happen to my cousin. Not again...

"Who are you people?" I ask. 

"That is what we should be asking! Seize them!"

Kagome and I ended up being held prisoners and was taken to their village. I look around and notice their outfit is definitely different from us. Sengoku era it is then...

After a moment, an old lady came and sprinkle something on us to which Kagome explained that we weren't bad people. After the old lady strangely inspected Kagome, we were released and we were offered to stay at her house.

"My apologises for the village people. I am Kaede, the Preistess here" She says. 

"I'm Shiromiya Yoru and this is my cousin Higurashi Kagome" I said. 

"Umm, this isn't Tokyo right?" Kagome ask. 

"Hmm? 'Tokyo'? Never heard of it" Says Kaede. 

"Kagome, this is the Sengoku era, it's no wonder they wouldn't know" I told her. 

After we had a conversation with Lady Kaede, a heavy earthquake was felt and we ran outside to see the same Centipede monster from the well.

"Tch, I'd knew it's still alive" I mumbled. 

"Hand over the Shikon no Tama!" It yelled.

"Shikon no Tama? Where have I heard it before? Geez, I wished I had listen to Grandpa's myths or whatever-nots" I mumbled. 

"That thing is after me. I'll lead it to the forest!" Kagome yells and begin running towards the forest where we came from. 


"I'll be fine Yoru-san! Protect the villagers!" Kagome yells. 

"Damn it. Is there- Excuse me, can I borrow that bow and arrow" I asked.

"S-Sure, but it has no effect" says the villager.

"Don't underestimate my archery skills" I said and aim towards the centipede monster. 

The centipede monster screamed which manage to slow it down just a little and I chase after Kagome. 

"Damn you! How dare you use a poison arow!" 

Huh? Poison? What is it talking about? I didn't use any poison. Whatever, Kagome's safety comes first. When I caught up to Kagome, I see that she is talking to the boy who is stuck to the tree.

Wait, that boy is alive? Kagome was about to remove one of the arrows when Lady Kaede came rushing and said something of not to release Inuyasha from the seal.

Inuyasha?  Is that the name of the boy? And what seal? There are still things which I don't understand yet. 

However. Kagome ignored Lady Kaede's words and destroyed the arrow with the same bright pink light emitting from her palm. Kagome...

As I witness the battle against Inuyasha and the centipede monster, we were able to retrieve the Sacred Jewel back but now Inuyasha claims that he wants it. 

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