Twenty: Winter Panther, Toran

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= Yoru's Pov =

"This area is really foggy" I said while riding on A-Un's back along with Rin.

"Where is this?" Rin questions as A-Un comes to a halt by the cliff.

"The spot where Ryukotsusei was sealed. But to destroy it without leaving a trace of it..." says Jaken.

"Ryukotsusei?" I asked.

"A demon which my father had a hard time sealing it" Sesshomaru simply states.

"Sesshomaru-sama, is this really the work of Inuyasha?" Jaken questions.

"But I don't know how he did it" says Sesshomaru.

"Did Inuyasha learn a new skill or something?" I wondered.

Sesshomaru suddenly leaves while leaving Jaken to mumbling things alone until he finally noticed us.

The next day, Rin and Jaken were attempting to catch some fishes for breakfast while Sesshomaru and I rested by a tree.

"Geez Jaken, you are really bad at catching fishes" I said.

"S-Shut up! Why don't you try and catch one then!" He provoked.

"Sure, if I catch at least two admit that you're a toad" I said and got into the water.

I spot two fishes and I slowly walk up to them and pounce into the water. Two fishes on both my hand and I give Jaken a smug look.

"N-No way..."

"Wahh! Yoru-sama is awesome!" Rin exclaims and I smiled.

Jaken scoffs and tries to catch another fish while I turn to see Sesshomaru leaving. I then tell Rin to stay by A-Un's side while I go after Sesshomaru.

"Sesshomaru, is something wrong?" I ask.

Sesshomaru remains silent as he continues to walk to the other side of the river. The water then started to freeze and I was feeling a little cold.

"I don't like this coldness" I said.

I then felt something warm around me which turn out to be Sesshomaru's mokomoko-sama.


"It's only for a while" He states and I smiled with a blush and wrap mokomoko-sama around me. Ahh... Sure it's warm but the freezing is just suspicious.

"Toran huh?" Sesshomaru says.

Toran? Who's that?

A shadow appears from the fog within and it turned out to be a woman, wait, a yokai. And, she knows Sesshomaru? Geez, why do Sesshomaru get involve with so many woman...

"It's been a long while Sesshomaru" says the woman name Toran.

"Hmm, so you're still alive" says Sesshomaru.

"Sesshomaru, who is she?" I ask.

"Toran, a Winter panther yokai" He says.

"Heh, it's not like you to have a human around you but whatever, I intend to settle things this time" says Toran.

"We settled things a long time ago but if you insist, it won't be like 50 years ago" says Sesshomaru.

50 years ago? Why do most incidents usually occur 50 years ago? I mean, Kikyo died after sealing Inuyasha to the Sacred Tree and that is also how long Naraku has lived.

"That, I have to agree. Besides, our Master is waiting for you" says Toran and I shivered when she landed her eyes on me as I hid behind Sesshomaru.

"Master?" I mumbled.

"That's right little girl, our Commander-in-Chief" She says.

Eep, how can she hear me? Oh right, she's a demon too.

"Your father is dead and long gone but our Master will be resurrected" says Toran.

"Resurrected for what?" Sesshomaru ask.

"To attack the Eastern lands again and you could call it revenge" Toran says simply.

Revenge of the Eastern lands again... Again. Have they attacked it before? Sesshomaru, what are you going to do?

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