Eight: Tenseiga pt. 1

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= Yoru's Pov =

"What is this place?" I questioned while looking around this eerie place.

"Sesshomaru-sama, Totosai is not here anymore" says Jaken.

"Totosai? Who's that?" I ask. 

"Totosai is a swordsmith you moron" says Jaken and an irk mark appeared.

"I'm not from this world remember you ugly toad!" I said and knock his head.

"Hmph, so Totosai has escaped. Then let's move out and not waste our time here" says Sesshomaru.

"W-Wait up Sesshomaru!" I said and immediately followed after him. 

Sesshomaru called upon a demon dragon which we then rode on its back. Hmm, I didn't know Sesshomaru had a pet dragon. Well, guess it is quite convenient. 

* yawn * Geez, we've been travelling for quite a while and I'm getting tired.

"Sleep if you're tired" says Sesshomaru. 

"Ehh, but-"

"No buts" He says sternly and I kept quiet.

Sesshomaru may seem cold and distant but I can feel that he is actually quite kind and possibly compassionate as well. Just that he dislikes humans and hanyous... Then how does he really feel about me? With thoughts in my head, I drifted to sleep. 

I woke up by some ruckus not too far and notice from a distance that Sesshomaru is fighting. My eyes widen. 

"Inuyasha? Then that means..." 

I look around and bingo! I found Kagome and oh, looks like she's got some new travelling companions. 

"Kagome-chan!!" I yelled and ran to her side. 

"Huh? Y-Yoru-san?" Kagome gasp.

"It's been a while" I said. 

"I-It has but what're you doing here?" Kagome ask.

"I don't know. I woke up to Sesshomaru and Inuyasha fighting. I shuold be asking you that" I said. 

"Sesshomaru is after the Tetsusaiga again" says Kagome. 

I remained silent and turn to see Sesshomaru and Inuyasha fighting. Sesshomaru... Why do you want the Tetsusaiga so badly? Is that sword by your hip not good enough?

"Kagome-chan, who's this?" A female beside Kagome ask. 

"Oh right, she's my cousin Yoru. Yoru-san, these are my friends, Sango, Kirara, Shippo and Miroku" says Kagome. 

"Nice to meet you all and thanks for taking care of Kagome- eek!!"

I stop my sentence when I felt someone touching my back. I screamed and immediately punch whoever it was.

"Miroku-sama..." Kagome mumbled with a facepalm.

"E-Ehh? G-Geez, Kagome-chan, what's with your friend? He's not harrassing you sexually is he?" I ask.

"Don't worry Yoru-san, I'm fine and Miroku-sama is a lecher but he's a good peron at heart" Kagome assures and I sigh of relief. 

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation but we're escaping" says a weird old man. 

I gasp when he spit out fire and I was being surrounded. I look around to see Kagome and the others disappeared. 


I turn around and was lifted by Sesshomaru and we safely got out of the fire and he flew us back to where his dragon is. 

"A-Arigatou Sesshomaru" I said. 

"They have escaped" says Sesshomaru. 

"Who was that old man?" I questioned. 

"That is Totosai, the one who has forged this useless sword" says Sesshomaru. 

"Useless sword?" I mumbed quietly.

"Let's go" says Sesshomaru and we flew off. 

Book 1: Yoru and Sesshomaru - The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now