Eighteen: Kagura's Deal pt. 1

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= Yoru's Pov =

While walking through a grass field one night, a breeze of wind pass by and I had goose bumps. Something about this wind feels omninous.

"Ah! A shooting star!" Rin exclaims from behind.

I turn behind to see her making a wish and I silently chuckled.

"Rin, don't fall behind" I said.


"Sesshomaru, is it just me or does the atmosphere feel funny?" I ask.

Sesshomaru simply remains silent, as if he's in deep thoughts. I pout and sighed. That bad habit of his is still there, not telling me anything.

"Ah! A star just sparkled! Did you see that Sesshomaru-sama?" Jaken asked and I sighed.

Jaken is being annoying at this point of time. But Sesshomaru doesn't even react to Jaken's words tells me that something may just be bothering him.

Rin has already fallen asleep on A-Un's back since she must be really tired. I then bump into Sesshomaru with Jaken bumping to my leg.


"I can smell his scent" He simply says.

'His' scent? Who is he... Wait, does he mean Naraku?! Is he nearby? Just then, a huge wind came and blew Rin off of A-Un and Jaken off the ground.

"Such a strong wind" I said while covering myself with my arm.

A familiar woman appeared and it turned out to be the Wind Sorceress, Kagura. Why is she here?

"Yo" She says.

"'Yo'? You're Kagura, what do you want?" I ask. 

"Sesshomaru, did you follow Naraku's scent too?" Kagura questioned.

Geez, she's competely ignoring me, how rude. Then again, she's a villian so it doesn't matter about manners I guess.

"Yoru-sama, isn't that..." I went to Rin's side who is awake.

"Don't worry Rin. She won't do anything to us. She had to deal with Sesshomaru first if anything" I said.

Sesshomaru was about to draw out his Tokijin when Kagura claims that she didn't come here to fight but rather want to make a deal with him.

"A deal?" Sesshomaru questions.

"You know what these are. I'll give these Sacred fragments to you"

My eyes widen. 2 of them! How did she get her hands on those two? Did she attack Inuyasha and the others? Are they alright?

"Kagura, how did you get those?!" I ask.

"Hmm, from a demon wolf leader" says Kagura.

Demon wolf leader? Then she hasn't targeted Kagome yet. I sighed of relief a little.

"But why are you giving these to us?" I ask.

"My favour is for Sesshomaru to kill Naraku. Free me from his grip" says Kagura and my eyes widen.

Ehh? Kill Naraku? Wasn't Kagura an ally of Naraku? Why does she want to kill him? And what does she mean by 'free her from his grip'?

I turn to look at Sesshomaru. No way, is he really thinking of helping her? Why does that thought alone made my heart ache?


"You have the power to do it. After you killed him, all the Sacred fragments will be yours. Let's use these shards and have fun" says Kagura.

My heart is burning with rage. Excuse me but Sesshomaru doesn't take orders from anyone! I clench my fist tight with giving Kagura some death glares.

"Yoru-sama?" My eyes widen and my anger subsided slowly.

"Nani Rin?" I ask.

"Nothing, just that you looked a little angry just now" She says.

"It's nothing Rin" I assured and she nodded.

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