Seventeen: To Protect Her Smile

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= Yoru's Pov =

The next morning, I woke up to Jaken being annoying as usual while Rin is beside me.

"Morning Rin, what's with Jaken?" I ask while rubbing my eyes.

"You're awake Yoru-sama! Sesshomaru-sama is gone" says Rin.

I look around and I sighed. And that habit of his hadn't changed since we met. He still has a habit of going somewhere alone. But this time where?

"Could it be that Sesshomaru went to look for Inuyasha?" Jaken mumbled which caught my attention.

Sesshomaru looking for Inuyasha? Is he trying to confirm what Bokusen-o had said? I guess Sesshomaru cares even a little for his brother even if he refuses to admit it.

Heheh, it may not seem like it but I can tell that even if Sesshomaru is cold and a little distant, he has a kind and compassionate heart. I mean, he did save Rin and not only that, he let me stayed by his side since I met him.

"Hmm, what kind of person is Inuyasha?" Rin questions.

"Thanks for asking. It's a long story but one must be told in order to understand" says Jaken.

"Inuyasha is Sesshomaru's younger half-brother, a hanyou" I said, interrupting the imp.

While Jaken still continues to talk, Rin, A-Un and I started to walk away from Jaken while I tell Rin about what I know about Inuyasha.

"H-Hey! Where are you going?" Jaken ask.

Oh, so he's done talking to himself then.

"We're just going to feed A-Un with some grass" I simply said.

"Let's go A-Un! There are nice juicy grasses over there" Rin exclaims while pulling A-Un's leash and we leave Jaken alone.

"Yoru-sama, I wonder where Sesshomaru-sama has gone to" Rin wonders.

"He didn't said anything to me last night" I said.

"Last night? You couldn't sleep?" Rin ask.

"Yeah... About what Bokusen-o said about Inuyasha has been bothering so I sort of talked it out with Sesshomaru. I woke up to find Jaken whining and that's when you told me that Sesshomaru isn't around anymore" I said.

"Do you think Sesshomaru-sama has gone to find his brother?" Rin questions.

"There's a chance. This is between you and me Rin, but I think Sesshomaru cares for Inuyasha even if he doesn't admit it" I said.

"I'd knew Sesshomaru-sama is kind since he saved me!" Rin exclaims and I chuckled.

"You know, if Sesshomaru hadn't gone back that day, I think you might have died" I said while giving a sad look.

"Don't look so sad Yoru-sama. A smile suits you the best!" Rin says, attempting to cheer me up and suddenly, A-Un roars.

"See? Even A-Un agrees!" Rin exclaims and I chuckled.

"Arigatou Rin and you too A-Un" I said and pat her and A-Un's head.

"As long as Yoru-sama is happy then Rin is happy too!" says Rin and I smiled.

"Rin, you should keep smiling too" I said and we make a pinky promise.

This kind of promise may seem nothing much, but I just don't want to see Rin getting hurt again. She's gone through too much as a young child. I'll protect Rin and hopefully no one would hurt her again.

After some long time, Rin exclaims, saying that Sesshomaru has returned. I turn to see that he really is back but is it just me or do I sense some blood scent around him.

"Rin, have you been good?" Sesshomaru asks.

"Uh huh! Rin, Yoru-sama and A-Un were very good! But Jaken-sama seems depressed over there" says Rin while pointing to a depressed Jaken which made me giggled.

"Oi Jaken, Sesshomaru is back. Snap out of your depression" I called to the imp.

"Huh? S-Sesshomaru-sama!" Jaken exclaims and ran towards him.

"Sesshomaru, why do I sense some blood scent around you?" I ask.

"Sesshomaru-sama, why did you go off looking for Inuyasha alone?!" Jaken asked.

"Ehh, you went to look for Inuyasha? Is that why there is blood scent around you?" I ask.

Sesshomaru doesn't say a word and simply looks up into the sky, much to Rin, Jaken and my confusion. Is something bothering him? Is it Inuyasha?


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