Ten: The Unknown Child

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= Yoru's Pov =

I regained conscious to see Sesshomaru leaning against a tree.

"Sesshomaru! Are you alright?" I ask anxiously. 

"I told you not to come close" He scolded coldly. 

"I'm sorry but... I was scared that something bad might happened" I said and he sighs but groans.

"Oh no, you're injured" I started to panick. 

"This injury is nothing fatal to yokais" He stated.

When I heard the bushes rustling, I became alerted, getting ready to attack whoever it is. Sesshomaru is weak and injured so only I can protect him. 

However, a figure appears which reveals to be a young girl but Sesshomaru had attempted to scare her away which surpsingly, she didn't seem scared.

"Sesshomaru, don't scare her. She's just a child" I said as the girl moves closer to us.

She provided us foo and water which I'm grateful but Sesshomaru doesn't seem to want to take in human food. Speaking of food, I never seen Sesshomaru eat anything before. 

"Sesshomaru, are you sure you don't want to eat? These mushrooms are great" I said.

"I don't eat what humans eat" He says.

"Then what do you eat? I never really seen you eat before" I said but he remained silent and I sighed. 

After some time, I eventually drifted to sleep beside Sesshomaru. The next morning, I woke up and the same girl from yesterday came again. However, before she could give us something, Sesshomaru immediately told her off.

"Sesshomaru... Sorry about him" I said and she simply comes close.

Hmm? Bruises? Did something happened to her?

"What's with those bruises on your face?" Sesshomaru asked though he's not directly looking at her. 

So he was thinking of the same thing as me... I'd knew Sesshomaru isn't so distant. At least he is kind to even ask what's wrong.

However, the girl did not reply but simply smiled which made me wonder, can she not speak? I smiled and pat her head which she flinch.

"S-Sorry, I must have startled you" I said quietly and she just smiled and left. 

"I wonder what happened" I mumbled. 

After some time, Sesshomaru was healed and we began to move but I can't help but to worry about that child. At a field of flowers, we see Jaken and the dragon.

And now Jaken is whining about Sesshomaru testing his Tenseiga on him which honestly, is annoying me. I'd rather be worrying about that child. 

"What's wrong Yoru? You seem bothered" Sesshomaru questioned.

"I'm just worried about that child" I said. 

As soon as I said that, a breeze of wind came and Sesshomaru mumbled something about blood. Blood... Did something happened to the child?

Sesshomaru then walks back into the forest and to my shock, I immediately ran in front of him. It's the child from before but... What happened to her?

"So cruel... Hey child, can you hear me?" I ask, on the verge of tears. 

"She's a goner..." Jaken says which made me angry.

"Don't say that Jaken! I can feel her pulse but... It's very faint" I said. 

"Not my fault she's been attacked by wolves" says Jaken.

"Wolves? As in demon wolves?" I questioned. 

"Probably. Sesshomaru-sama, do you know this human?" Jaken ask as Sesshomaru steps forward.

"Sesshomaru... I know you may disagree to this favour but... Can you save this girl with Tenseiga?" I ask while hugging the girl.

Sesshomaru doesn't say anything and unsheathe his Tenseiga. And he was mumbling something about testing the Tenseiga. If he needs to slain... Then I better move away.

With a swing, it felt as if Sesshomaru simply cut the air. But the wounds on the girl instantly disappeared and I rush to her side with Sesshomaru supporting her. 

I smiled with relief when she opened her eyes. She's alive...

"She's come back to life" Jaken exclaims.

Sesshomaru then leaves which Jaken follows. I then turn to the young girl with a gentle smile as I stretched out my hand.

"Come with us" 

Book 1: Yoru and Sesshomaru - The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now