Three: Inuyasha's Past

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It's been about three days since Kagome and Yoru arrive at the Sengoku Era. They have met the village's Priestess name Kaede and mentions that Kagome happened to be the reincarnation of her older sister Kikyo. 

Then there is this hanyou (Half-demon) name Inuyasha who was sealed by Kikyo 50 years ago and is now after the Sacred Jewel. While Kagome is able to control Inuyasha for a brief moment by saying "Osuwari", Inuyasha is still aiming for the jewel.

In the attempt of trying to destroy a crow that has swallowed the Sacred Jewel, Kagome shoots an arrow with the claw of the crow attached to it but ended up destroying the Sacred Jewel, scattering the fragments around the world. 

While trying to find a way back home, Kagome decided to head back to the well alone while her cousin is elsewhere in the village, pondering about what the centipede monster had said about her poison arrow. 

Yoru then noticed that the villagers were acting weird and was being controlled by something and Kaede was injured when Inuyasha came and save them both. 

Unkown to them. Kagome had encountered Yura of the Demon Hair who took a fragment of the Sacred Jewel and unknowingly sent Kagome back into her time. While having forced to stay behind to look after Kaede, Yoru begged Inuyasha to protect Kagome at all cost.

After going into Kagome's time, Inuyasha and Kagome then heads back to the Sengoku era after knowing that Yura's hair followed them. After figuring out that Yura's weakness was a red coloured skull, Kagome destroys it and Yura fades away. 

= Yoru's Pov =

Kagome and I returned to our time and we had to explained everything. Hmm, Kagome did most of the talking and this time, Kagome decides to bring her bike along.

"Kagome-chan, do you really have to bring your bike?" I ask. 

"Of course! Or else my feet be dying from all the walking" says Kagome and I sweatdropped.

"Then Mama, see you soon!" says Kagome as she heads into the well first.

"Yoru" I turn to face my Aunt as she gives me a look of worry.

"I promise I'll keep Kagome safe. I won't let anything happen to her again. Not after that incident" I said.

"Arigatou Yoru" says Mrs Higurashi and I jump through the well. 

Kagome and I then met up with Inuyasha and joining us happened to be a tiny flea name Myoga who tells Inuyasha that someone is raiding his father's tomb. 

Myoga then explains to us that Inuyasha's father was a powerful who was known quite well and feared throughout feudal as being the very strongest of his kind. He was the Inu no Taisho, Toga.

Though when Myoga started talking about his mother, Inuyasha stepped on him in anger and left, saying that his mother died long ago.

"What's wrong with Inuyasha? I only ask about his mother" Kagome asks. 

"Maybe that is the exact problem Kagome-chan" I said.

"Inuyasha-sama has always been like that when the subject comes to his mother" says Myoga.

"Inuyasha is a hanyou... Half-demon. That means the other half is a human right?" I ask. 

"Well yes, Toga-sama's second wife is a human" says Myoga.

Second wife? Then did Inuyasha had an older sibling? No wait, that would be his half-older sibling. 

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