Sixteen: Inuyasha and Tetsusaiga pt. 2

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= Yoru's Pov =

Bokusen-o the continues explaining that if Sesshomaru is being cornered during a battle, he is able to remain calm and not lose control of himself, though Sesshomaru claims that would not happen to him.

However, Inuyasha is different. If Inuyasha is being cornered with his life in danger, his demon blood takes over him and transform. That explains something but why did Inuyasha not use his Tetsusaiga when battling against Sesshomaru at that time?

Bokusen-o further explains that the pure demon blood from his father is too strong for a hanyou Inuyasha and there's a chance of the demon blood to devour one's soul.

"What happens then?" I ask.

"He would be unable to recognize himself and also unable to differentiate between foes and allies. He simply just kills till he's satisfied" says Bokusen-o which made me gasp with shock.

Now I'm worried about Kagome-chan... I just wish Inuyasha doesn't end up killing her. If he did... I'll never forgive him. That thought alone made me clench my fist tight and Bokusen-o continues explaining.

In Inuyasha's transformation, he would eventually lose his soul and will be known as a demon who only knows how to fight and kill. Eventually if it goes on, Inuyasha would be destroyed.

I can't believe this. Does Inuyasha and his friends know about this? So that is probably the reason why Sesshomaru's late father left the Tetsusaiga with Inuyasha. It's to protect him.

After the conversation with Bokusen-o, we left the forest, leaving me in deep thoughts. Later when night falls, I watch Rin fell asleep on A-Un's back while I stayed by the fire. I sighed but many thoughts ran through my mind. 

"Something bothering you?" I turn to see Sesshomaru by the tree.

"Sesshomaru..." I got up and walk towards him and eventually leaned against the tree.

"It's late, shouldn't you be sleeping soon?" He ask.

Sesshomaru... At least he still cares about me. Indeed a tsundere character.

"Just... What Bokusen-o said is still bothering me a little. Rather than worrying about Inuyasha, I'm more concerned about my cousin" I said.

"Hmm, that strange human girl" says Sesshomaru.

"Kagome-chan isn't strange! It's just that we're both from the future. Somehow ended up here" I said. 

"You seem to be overly concern about her don't you think?" Says Sesshomaru.

"It may seem like it but I can't help it. If Kagome-chan gets hurt again, I can't forgive myself" I said.


"When we were younger, Kagome-chan got into an accident and was in a coma for a long time. There were times she could have died but she still survived. When she woke up she didn't remember anything.

So I vowed to myself and my Aunt that if there is every chance, I'd like to protect her. However, when Bokusen-o talked about Inuyasha's transformation, I'm starting to worry" I said. 

"At that time, the Tetsusaiga felt heavy" Sesshomaru said after a moment of silence.

"Heavy? Is that why Inuyasha decided to fight you barehanded?" I ask.

"What's the point if he can't even wield a heavy sword. He's smart but foolish" says Sesshomaru.

"I just hope I won't have to see that transformation again" I mumbled and my eyes began to feel tired.

"Sleep if you're tired" says Sesshomaru and I let out a tired smile before drifting to darkness.

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