Twenty Two: Resurrection of the Panther Master

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= Yoru's Pov =

Kagome and I got thrown into a prison cell but I realized that we aren't the only ones. I got into defensive but realizes that they're ordinary people.

"Villagers?" Kagome questions.

"What happened to you all?" I ask.

The villagers then explain to us that the secret village was originally a gathering place for those who has escaped from war. However, the Panther demons had discover the place and made it into their headquarters. Just then, Kagome's friends, Sango and Miroku were thrown in and are unconscious. 

"Sango-chan, Miroku-sama!" 

"Don't worry Kagome-chan, they are just unconscious" I assured.

I turn to look at our surrounding and started to worry if Sesshomaru would be able to find me... I shake my head. I believe in Sesshomaru...

"We will be killed by those cat demons" A villager mumbled.

"I'm so afraid" Another says.

They're all scared of demons. But Kagome cheers them up by saying that Inuyasha would be able to save them all but Miroku says otherwise since Sesshomaru is here.

"Sesshomaru is here too?" I ask.

"Ehh? But why?" Kagome questions.

"Well the thing is, it seems like Sesshomaru has battled against the Panther demons about 50 years ago. The one who captured me, Toran, told Sesshomaru to come to their castle if he wants to save me" I said. 

"Oh, I see" 

"Kagome-chan, that wolf demon earlier, is he your friend?" I ask.

"You mean Koga-kun? Well, he's an ally but sort of like Inuyasha's rival" says Kagome.

"Is something a matter Yoru?" Sango ask.

"That Koga is part of the Yorozoku isn't he? How could you be with a tribe that has killed several people?" I ask while clenching my fist.

"Ehh? What do you mean?" Kagome ask.

"Some time back when Sesshomaru got hurt by Inuyasha, we landed in a forest near a village. A human child name Rin came to us and helped us.

Just when we were leaving, we headed back only to find Rin half dead and Jaken said that she got attacked by the demon wolves. If it wasn't for Sesshomaru, Rin would have died!" I cried.

"Yoru-san, it's true that Koga-kun started out as our enemy but... He hasn't killed anyone since" says Kagome.

"It's a fact Yoru. After all, Koga is in love with Kagome-sama" says Miroku.

"Nani? Kagome-chan, you are NOT allowed to date him you hear me?!" I warned.

"H-Hai... I don't even have any feelings for him... But Yoru-san, can you at least please forgive him for hurting your friend?" Kagome ask.

"That is hard for me to just accept that Kagome-chan" I said softly.

"Yoru, you mentioned that Sesshomaru saved that child, what do you mean?" Sango questioned.

"Sesshomaru used his Tenseiga to revived Rin. If it wasn't for him..."

"Oi pipsqueaks, time for you lots to get sacrificed to our Master" A panther demon suddenly said and the next thing we knew, we got teleported outside and I could see Sesshomaru from afar.

Not only that, right next to us is a huge skeleton. Is that their Master? Are those panthers really trying to resurrect him?

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