30. Decisions.

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Chapter 30: Decisions.

"Hey Vee, wait up." Zachary calls out for me as I put my bag in the trunk of the car.

"What do you want?" I ask him, folding my arms.

"That girl meant nothing to me. I spilled my drink on her and she didn't have a spare shirt, so I had to give her mine." He explains.

"But I didn't ask you anything though." I point out.

"Well, I know you saw us." He says.

"Look, I don't want to fight with you right now. I just want to go home and sleep on my bed." I tell him, thinking of my soft queen-sized bed.

"It's just that after I saw you kiss Devon my judgment was clouded and I-" He says trying to explain but I cut him off.

"You acted like a fucking douchebag and you punched him in the face, right? You see Zachary if you would have just waited a little longer you would have seen that I pushed Devon away. I couldn't bring myself to kiss someone else after we made out some minutes before that. I'm not that kind of person, but I see that clearly, you are." I tell him as I turn to enter the car. I expect him to stop me but he doesn't. And that breaks my heart even more. I get inside the car and Andrè drives off.

I sleep the entire drive home and Andrè wakes me up when we arrive. I walk into my house and I see that my parents are having a little function in the living room. I slowly sneak my way upstairs and I hide in the comfort of my bedroom. If my parents found out that I was back home, they'd want me to mingle with the sons of their buddies and I don't have the stomach for that right now.

I flop on my bed and I see my phone sitting beside my pillow. I pick it up and I check my messages. I have three from Zachary and four calls.

Stalker alert.

Someone knocks on my door and I internally groan. Good thing I'm going to college soon.

"Come in." I yell.

My mother enters my room with a smile on her face.

"What is it this time, mother?" I ask her.

"I have great news for you, Valarie." She tells me before she sits beside me on the bed.

"Just tell me." I say, rolling my eyes.

"You got into Harvard." She says waiting for my reaction but it never comes. What does she mean by Harvard?

I didn't even apply.

"I don't understand." I say, tying my hair up.

"Well, your father and I sent an application in your name and we-" She tries to continue but I cut her off.

"You what? Why do you want to control everything in my life? I'm fine. Happy even. I don't ask for much, do I? All I ask for is privacy, why won't you give me that?" I ask her with tears in my eyes.

"Because I don't want you to end up like me. That's why." My mother yells.

"Like you? Mother, what are you talking about?" I ask her in confusion.

"You see, I wasn't the smartest kid growing up or the richest. But your father liked me and he made sure that I went to college because his mother wouldn't let me be with him if I didn't. Well, I went to college. I got an education. I didn't want to, but I did it for love. And you're doing the same thing too."

"Who says I'm doing the same thing?" I ask her, folding my arms.

"I know you're going to Bradford because of Zachary and that's not healthy. You need a fresh start. Away from this town and its antics." She tells me, patting my hair down.

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