Nice Shirt, Is It Made of Boyfriend Material?

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A/N: To my readers, I took down the original first chapter and rewrote it, so this is Chapter 1(: 
Chapter 1: Nice Shirt, Is It Made of Boyfriend Material?
Song: Murder Mitten - I See Stars

 Obi is going to be the death of me. We've been on this assignment for three days now and I'm miserable. I wasn't supposed to be assigned to this job, but he convinced Prince Zen that I could be helpful so here I am. I'm not sure how they expect me to be able to help track an assassin especially since Obi keeps disappearing in the trees. There's a reason Obi was originally sent out. Keeping up with him is probably going to be more difficult than taking down this Dali person, whoever they are. Obi wouldn't let me see the information sheet about Dali and told me that it would be more fun for me to figure out what I can myself. I'm drawn from my thoughts at the sounds of fighting ahead and quicken my pace.

I find Obi locked into battle with a hooded figure when I reach a small break in the treeline. We have a job to do and it seems like he's toying with the person instead of fighting with purpose. Is he messing around or is this the Dali person? I lean backward to avoid a stray dagger and sigh as it sinks into the tree trunk behind me.

"Uhm, Obi?"

"Yes Hide?" He calls back as he ducks a fist and shoves them backward. "I'm a little busy."

"Who is that?"

"Our target, naturally." He shrugs. "I am rather disappointed that they weren't harder to track. I enjoy hunting."

Dali manages to land a kick to Obi's chest that sends him back across the clearing. Obi catches himself with ease and lunges at the figure. Dali side-steps the attack but Obi's fingers catch their hood and long fiery orange hair appears as they both hit the ground. Dali is a woman... I wasn't expecting that. She pulls a dagger from a pouch strapped to her upper thigh and tackles Obi. I draw my sword but Obi calls out for me to stay back, his eyes not leaving hers.

"If she's who we're after, why can't I help? I mean you did invite me along and all."

"Dali is my sister..." He mumbles and my eyes widen as I look between them. How is this woman his sister?


Before Obi can explain how the assassin that's trying to kill him is his sister, Dali manages to regain the upper hand and starts trying to stab him. If what Obi said is true and they are siblings, I'll stay out of it and let them fight it out. I won't let him get killed of course, but still. Besides, it's not like I can take Dali down myself. I'm not stupid.

Dali and Obi get to their feet as their fight continues and I track her as she moves. Though her fighting style is different than Obi's, she's just as graceful and deadly as he is. Their only other similarity so far are their eyes, she has the same golden, cat-like gaze. Obi catches her from behind and tries to trap her arms but one slips through and I chuckle under my breath as she elbows him in the stomach before swinging her fist up to punch him in the nose.

"I should have known it was you Daliah."

"You wouldn't know because you don't know me!" She growls, her fierce glare darkening.

"I do know you, you're my sister remember?"

"You left me!" She snaps as she strikes out at him again. Her attacks are more violent but quickly becoming sloppy. "You abandoned me."

"I did what I had to do." He reasons as he ducks her fist and knocks the blade from her other.

"You ran off and left me to become a criminal! What do you mean it's what you had to do?"

"It doesn't matter, besides, from what I've learned, you did the same thing. Do you have any room to talk?"

"I didn't leave my responsibilities behind for selfish reasons!" Dali snaps as she pushes her hair back from her eyes. "I only did it because I knew it was the only way I could find you."

"You wanted to find me?" He arches a brow as he catches her wrist.

"Of course... So I could kill you."

They stop fighting as the sun sets. I rather quickly decided that I might as well get comfortable and settled myself on the ground against a tree to watch the dramatic reuniting of lost siblings. From what I pieced together, Obi left her with an elderly couple in their home village and just never came back. When she grew up, she learned about the underground side of life and of Obi's life before the castle and decided to follow in his footsteps to track him down. Now she wants to kill him for abandoning her. I didn't even know he had a sister. He never mentioned family and when asked, he would claim he didn't have any or would change topic. I can understand her frustrations though. I don't think Obi deserves death, but he does deserve the cuts and bruises from their fight at the least. They're now standing unsteadily a few feet away from each other, both exhausted and trembling but neither willing to back down. Apparently she's just as stubborn as he is. They're both covered in dirt and blood and I feel that if I don't put an end to it, they're going to kill each other or themselves. I sigh and get to my feet and make my way over to Obi first. I knock the dagger from his hand with ease, then barely push him and he falls to the ground. As I approach Dali she gives me a mistrusting look and tries to raise her dagger but her arms are too tired to be a threat.

"Either you can sit on your own or I'll do to you what I did to Obi." I tell her and her glare deepens.

"Don't touch me Creep."

"How am I a creep?"

A smug look crosses her face and it reminds me of Obi. "Trying to put your hands on a young woman, rather creepy if I say so myself."

I exhale loudly and shake my head. "You're definitely Obi's sister... Now sit down."

"No. I'm leaving and once I get my strength back, I'm going to kill him."

She sounds too confident to realize something very important. I'm so going to ruin her plan.

"If you've forgotten, there's a bounty on your head and Wistal Castle sent us to collect you themselves."

I watch as her body tenses and her eyes narrow before widening. Her mouth twitches like she's going to laugh but her eyes flick over to Obi then back to me. I want to look away from her, but I can't.

"Wait... You're a castle dweeb? And you're with Obi so... No..." Her mouth twitches again but she quickly hides it behind her hand. "Obi is a castle dweeb too? That. is. Hilarious. Hide, was it? You've brought some interesting information to me. Let's make a deal, shall we?"

I look to Obi for help but it seems he's fallen asleep. Dali smirks as our eyes meet again.

"I don't know if I like the sound of that..." I sigh. "Let's hear it." 

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